Hi Eliott : You will have to tell Grampa why the Blue Dog is Blue when we come and visit you this summer.. Keep working on your art , you are doing so well. -- Ben
- on May 6, 2015
Hi Eliott : I really liked your picture. Grampa always gets excited when he gets your art. Nama and Taylor and Ben and of course Letty likes your work as well. I have been very busy getting our house in order. Letty and Nama are in Costa Rica on a church Mission Trip. They are right in the middle of this country if you want to take a look. They are helping build a churchand are giving bags of food tto the poor people. I hopefully can plan a trip to see you and Eden and your mom soon. Always know that we love you and Eden and your Mom and Dad. -- Ben
- on March 25, 2015
To my Grandson : I loved the picture... It appears to have a mustache like Grampa.. -- Ben
- on March 14, 2015
Hi Eliott : I think you are very creative with your colors. Keep up the good work at school. Love Grampa. -- Ben
- on March 14, 2015
Hi Eliott : Wow that is really neat... You have so much talent and imagineation. I hope you continue your work. Grampa is so proud of you.... -- Ben
- on January 23, 2015
- on March 5, 2013
Wow Elliot: Great picture.. Do you think we can catch a fish when Namma, Trailer, Ben, and Letty visit this summer.. I really like the colors you used.. -- Grampa
- on March 1, 2013
Happy New Year Eliott: Wow what a pretty cupcake. I bet if Mommy could make one like that it would taste good too. Keep up your hard work in school for Grampa . Nama, Trailer, Ben, and Letty sure enjoy seeing your art work... -- Grampa
- on January 10, 2013
Eliott! This made me SOOOOOO hungry for cupcakes! When I showed your picture to Casey, he thought it was real and tried reaching into the computer to grab your cupcake! Yum! I love and miss you so, SO much!! -- Auntie Em
- on January 10, 2013
Hi Eliott! This snowman is awesome! He looks so happy and cheerful, just like you, and his blue scarf is magnificent! I hope that we can build a snowman together soon. Love you forever! Grandma -- Grandma
- on December 12, 2012
Hi Eliott! These are the most beautiful mittens I have ever seen! They look sooooo cozy and warm, and the colors are beautiful. You are a great artist! Love you always! Grandma -- Grandma
- on December 12, 2012
Hi Eliott: Grampa sure like the winter mittens that you made in school. You show a lot of talent and we would like to see more. So be good and work hard in school and ask your teacher for more work so that Grampa can see how your art work is doing.. -- Grampa Ben
- on December 2, 2012
I love your mittens! I am noticing an ongoing theme... I am seeing a lot of Detroit Tiger colors being used! -- Kate(mom)
- on December 12, 2012
Eliott! I hope we get some good snow this year. Your snowman looks amazing! I know that we will build one just like the one you made when we get enough snow. We will have to study your model because I really really love how this snowman looks! -- Kate(Mom)
- on December 1, 2012
Hi Eliott: Gramapa sure likes your art work. Did you name your snowman? I am so proud of you and would like to see you soon. Love you..... Grampa -- Grampa
- on November 12, 2012
Good morning Eliott: I really like you art work. You use the colors so well. I think your cat is a Detroit Tiger Cat. Grampa sure is proud of you and Loves you very much. Keep up the good work. -- Ben
- on October 26, 2012
Eliott! I LOVE your fall tree! I wish we could climb it together and make a fort! We could bring our lunches and have a picnic in our tree fort! Love and miss you SOOOOOOOO much! -- Auntie Em
- on October 16, 2012
Eliott! Holy cow! I love this! I miss you buddy. You are a fantastic artist! Lets facetime soon! -- Casey
- on October 4, 2012
Eliott!!! It's supposed to snow here in Wyoming tonight. Looking at this warm sunshine warmed ME up so much!! Thank you!!! Keep up the AMAZING art work!! -- Auntie Em
- on October 3, 2012
Eliott...This is the most beautiful sunshine I've ever seen! Thanks for all the sunshine you bring into my life! Love you! Grandma -- Sue
- on October 3, 2012
WOW! It is a cold and rainy afternoon. Eliott, your picture warmed me up and made me smile! I am so proud of the hard work you are doing. Keep it up! :) -- Kate