Wow, that's a lot of fluffy balls! Did you count how many you used? I like all the different colors. xoxxo -- Betty
- on April 21, 2017
Syd, this kind of looks like a whole bunch of jelly beans standing up on ends too! -- Mom
- on April 7, 2017
I love your flying, winking cup Syd! -- Mom
- on December 9, 2016
Wow, I've never seen a flying cup of coffee before!! I like the face on the cup - cute. Looks like a perfect drawing to me. Good work Syd! xoxoxoxo -- Betty
- on December 9, 2016
Very nice owl, Syd. I like all the colors around his eyes. It looks like it wouldn't be too easy to make, but you got his eyes, beak and wings just right. xoxo -- Betty
- on May 20, 2015
This looks like a nice comfortable quit Sydney!
- on May 12, 2015
Cute owl Sydney! Mom
- on May 12, 2015
Was this hard to do? I think it would be. I like your choice of colors!! Good work! xoxxo -- Betty
- on May 12, 2015
I think I love these BIRDS Sydney!
- on March 11, 2015
nice looking birds, Syd. Three different kind -- pop
- on March 11, 2015
Your birds are very pretty Sydney. The top one looks like he's looking for a worm, and the middle one just looks like she's setting there showing off because she's so pretty. And I think the bottom one is getting ready to fly. Well done, Syd! xoxoxoxo -- Betty
- on March 11, 2015
I love the bright colors all blended together to create the snowman. Good Job! -- Dad
- on February 17, 2015
Great usage of color and heart shapes to make this Sydney! -- Dad
- on February 17, 2015
Neat snowman Sydney! I love all the different colors you used! Mom
- on February 8, 2015
This looks like it could be a heart quilt Sydney!
- on February 8, 2015
Love the Christmas tree. -- Dad
- on December 16, 2014
Awesome job on the toy soldier. -- Dad
- on December 16, 2014
Neat Toy Soldier Sydney, kinda like the ones at Disney!
- on December 14, 2014
nice drawing Syd -- pop
- on December 14, 2014
Beautiful Christmas tree Sydney! -- Mom
- on December 8, 2014
Great pumpkins patch Sydney! I like the stary night sky also! MOM
- on November 2, 2014
Great pumpkin patch Sydney! -- Dad
- on November 2, 2014
Really good pumpkins, Sydney! I like the variation in color. I think this is about your best art work so far. xoxoxoxo -- Betty
- on November 2, 2014
I really like the pumpkin Scare-Crow. Very colorful. -- Dad
- on October 30, 2014
Sydney, I love this fall artwork!
- on October 13, 2014
I like that pumpkin head on your scarecrow, Sydney. He looks like his pants and shirt are stuffed pretty good with straw to make him look plump. You make lots of nice pumpkins in your pumpkin patch too. Have you gotten any real pumpkins yet? xoxoxo -- Betty
- on October 13, 2014
Great job Syd. Scarey skull. ?? -- Daddy
- on October 9, 2014
I like this ghost face Syd! -- Mom
- on October 7, 2014
Oh that looks like it was so much fun to make, Sydney! Did you use sugar for the skull? I like all the colorful sparklies in it. xoxox -- Betty
- on October 7, 2014
Looks like a good size pizza for me Sydney! -- Mommy
- on May 31, 2014
Need pizza box Sydney! -- Mommy
- on May 31, 2014
Like your pizza, Sydney. It really has a lot of toppings. That's the kind I like! Good work. xoxo -- Betty
- on May 31, 2014
Sydney, I love your hands around the world! -- mommy
- on May 28, 2014
Your "wild thing" looks like he's about to take a bite out of me, Sydney! Scary! Another good job on your art work. xoxxoxo -- Betty
- on May 28, 2014
Sydney, is this a BIG BEAR? -- Mommy
- on May 17, 2014
The bright colors look some much like springtime. Great job with your cupcake! -- Dad
- on April 14, 2014
Sydney - neat cupcake! Like the colors! -- Mom
- on April 6, 2014
Yummm, can I have one? Good cupcake Sydney! xoxoxo -- Betty
- on April 8, 2014
Your Valentines picture turned out really good. Nice Job with the reds. -- Dad
- on March 2, 2014
Great job on the owl Syd. I like the different shades of purple. -- Dad
- on March 2, 2014
Syd, I love you Owl!! I think it's my favorite so far!! -- mommy
- on February 26, 2014
I like this heart artwork Sydney! Can't wait until you bring it home! -- mommy
- on January 27, 2014
I remember this when you brought this home! We hung it up for Christmas! -- mommy
- on January 27, 2014
This balloon is really neat too. Good Job! -- dad
- on January 23, 2014
What an awesome balloon! -- dad
- on January 23, 2014
The snowman doesn't look like he's having much fun. Good use of colors. -- dad
- on January 23, 2014
Did this snowman go SPLAT Sydney? -- mommy
- on January 16, 2014
Neat hot air ballon Syd! -- mommy
- on January 16, 2014
I like all the shapes & colors you made on this side of the balloon! -- mommy
- on January 16, 2014
A melting snowman - I like it! The purple must be his scarf - right? Good job cutting out all those pieces and putting them in the right place. xoxoxox -- Betty
- on January 16, 2014
I love your talent in creating awesome artwork projects. Your personality comes out in each one. Good job Grama Evie -- Evelina
- on January 12, 2014
Great job on the rocket Sydney! -- Dad
- on January 10, 2014
Wow, your rocket ship has taken off!! Very colorful. Good job, Sydney. xoxox -- Betty
- on January 10, 2014
Neat Rocket Sydney! Looks like it is blasting off! -- Mommy
- on January 9, 2014
I love the green in your flower. The green makes the rest of the flower really show up. -- Dad
- on December 21, 2013
I like your poinsettia. -- Dad
- on December 19, 2013
Sydney, I LOVE this flower!! -- Mom
- on December 17, 2013
Those pumpkins are awesome Sydney! -- Daddy
- on December 6, 2013
What a great job on the flower, and usage of the colors green and red. -- Daddy
- on December 6, 2013
A neat little family of pumpkins : ) -- Mommy
- on December 6, 2013
Sydney - I like the sparkles on your poinesetta! -- Mommy
- on November 22, 2013
Sydney, your poinsettia is beautiful!! Makes me think Christmas time is here. Good job. xoxoxox -- Betty
- on November 22, 2013
Syd - I love this spooky spider web!! Your spider is very detailed! Good job! -- Mommy
- on October 1, 2013
I love the usage of the reds and oranges. Dad -- Dad
- on October 1, 2013
It looks like the sun is shining through your spider web. They don't look this pretty at the lake, do they! Good spider. He looks very real. I think there's going to be another good artist in the family! Love, Betty xoxoxo -- Betty
- on October 1, 2013
What a pretty butterfly. Great use of colors. -- Dad
- on July 10, 2013
This fish has lots of bubbles around it! -- mommy
- on June 27, 2013
Does he have to climb high and far to get to the moon? -- mommy
- on June 27, 2013
Looks like a pretty sunset Sydney! -- mommy
- on June 27, 2013
Neat butterfly Sydney! -- mommy
- on June 27, 2013
The colors reflect your personality. Good work. -- dad
- on April 10, 2013
This looks like the sky when the stars come out. Good Job! -- dad
- on April 10, 2013
Awesome job with your wreath. Keep up the excellent work! -- dad
- on April 10, 2013
Your bird is really pretty. Good use of colors. -- dad
- on April 10, 2013
Like you birdie, Sydney! You did some nice cutting for this picture. I've loved seeing all your pictures that you've done this year in Kindergarten. You and Collin are both very good artists! Betty xoxoxoxox -- Betty
- on April 9, 2013
This looks like a BIG tree Sydney! -- mommy
- on April 6, 2013
Is this supposed to be a self portrait Sydney? -- Mommy
- on April 6, 2013
I like your dots Sydney! -- mommy
- on April 6, 2013
Nice wreath Sydney! -- mommy
- on April 6, 2013
I love this little birdie Sydney! -- Mommy
- on April 9, 2013
Thats the best looking snowman I,ve seen all winter! Dad -- Scott
- on March 23, 2013
He is cute Sydney!! -- Mommy
- on March 23, 2013
Good job of cutting Sydney. Your snowman is looking so far up that I bet his neck hurts! I like the sparkly snow too! Love, Betty xoxoxoxoxo -- Betty
- on March 23, 2013
Cool pumpkin. I like the teeth. Daddy -- Scott
- on February 19, 2013
Very nice job with your house. Keep up the good work. Daddy -- Scott
- on February 13, 2013
Neat pumpkin Sydney - is that his teeth or is he eating marshmallows? -- Mommy
- on February 13, 2013
I like your big pumpkin Sydney. He has some scary teeth! You had to do a lot of cutting to make this, didn't you. Good job. Love, Betty xoxoxox -- Betty
- on February 12, 2013
Great use of colors in your lion picture. I love it. Dad -- Scott
- on February 7, 2013
I love the house. What pretty colors. Dad -- Scott
- on February 7, 2013
neat house Sydney, nice green grass for mommy and daddy to mow. -- pop
- on February 7, 2013
Wow, Sydney, you are a good artist!! I see the shingles on your roof and the grass, sidewalk, sun, chimney, everything a house should have. I'm really looking forward to seeing some more of your pictures. Betty xoxoxoxo -- Betty
- on February 7, 2013
I can see your lion Sydney, he's kind of hidden : ) -- mommy