Henry, love your dog! Keep up the good work. -- Jann
- on July 15, 2015
This is really good, Henry. The colors of the rainbow are so bright and beautiful! Keep up the great work. Love, Auntie Sarah XOXOXOX -- Sarah
- on May 13, 2015
Cool picture, Henry! I really love all the shades of blue. Keep up the fabulous art! Love, Auntie Sarah. -- Sarah
- on March 25, 2015
Wow Henry, LOVE this picture. Keep up the good work. -- Jann
- on March 25, 2015
very nice art work henry -- Everett
- on February 8, 2015
Henry, this is beautiful! I bet it could go up in an art gallery and people would think a famous artist painted it. -- Sarah
- on November 30, 2014
that is sharp henry -- mark
- on April 30, 2014
way too go henry keep the good work up -- goyings
- on March 5, 2014
That is such a colorful picture! I think it's one of your very best drawings so far. Love, Auntie Sarah. -- Auntie Sarah
- on November 20, 2013
Hi, Henry. What a neat caterpillar! Isn't making art with clay fun? -- Auntie Sarah
- on October 29, 2013
Henry, I love this owl! You are such a talented artist. Love, Auntie Sarah -- Sarah
- on March 6, 2013
very good henry,keep up the good work -- mark
- on March 6, 2013
Henry, I love your fish! Keep up the great art work. -- Jann
- on March 6, 2013
Henry, you are so talented! I think this fat cat picture is my favorite. I really like the way the cat looks like he's about to pounce on that mouse, and the stripey fur is great! I can't wait to see more art. Love, Aunt Sarah -- Sarah
- on January 25, 2013
Henry, I love your artwork! Keep up the good work. Love Mema -- Jann