Madison! You are such a phenomenal artist! You never fail to impress me with your artistic skills. Miss you and love you! -- Aunt Eileen
- on January 15, 2020
Dearest Madison, Another work of fabulous aret!!! You are so very talented and create great beauty. I am truly blessed to be your Grandma. Your beautify the world in countless ways. Wishing you infinite blessings and loving you beyond bounds, Grandma Mimi -- Charlotte
- on January 15, 2020
Awesome and cool -- Madison
- on January 15, 2020
Love the colors you used in this piece! How long did it take? I can't wait to draw our annual Thanksgiving picture together! Keep up the great work. -- Aunt Eileen
- on April 13, 2016
Maddy your artwork is stunning! I am so proud of you. You have come so far in your quest to be an artist. You captured Syd perfectly. Love you!!! --Mommy
- on June 15, 2015
I'm so proud if my daughter and how she had blossomed into a wonderful artist. -- Stephen
- on June 15, 2015
Another beautiful picture, Madison. You are such a skilled artist. -- Pop Pop
- on June 15, 2015
Abother beautiful piece of art work, Madison. You have a great color sense and fantastic attention to detail. I love you. -- Pop Pop
- on May 27, 2015
Great work, Madison. I really like the color combination. You are a gifted artist. Love you. -- Pop Pop
- on March 21, 2015
Madison, What a beautiful picture and wonderful explanation. Your artwork is extraordinary and your inner beauty is demonstrated through your words. Love you. Pop Pop -- Gerard
- on October 15, 2014
Dearest Madison, my sweet corn muffin, Wow. The dragon is so beautiful. The colors and graceful lines makes it exceptionally sensational. You are terrific and so talented. I love you and miss you so much. Holding you in my heart. Love and hugs and kisses, Grandma -- Charlotte
- on April 2, 2014
Dearest Madison, Happy, happy birthday. Wow, here Papa and I are in Paris and I see this latest, stupendous artwork from you!!! Tonight we are going to The Eiffel Tower to tour and to have dinner to celebrate Aunt Marian's birthday, Uncle George's retirement, and your birthday. We will make a special toast to you as we did at breakfast. Thank you for being so special. Cannot wait for your stupendous nine year old hugs!!! Loving you, holding you in my heart, and hugging you through the computer, XXXOOO Grandma -- Charlotte
- on November 28, 2013
What a beautiful piece of art work. You are amazing. Love you. PaPa -- Gerard
- on November 16, 2013
Dearest Corn Muffin, OMGoodness! What a sooo astronomically beautiful piece of art... I love you and am holding you in my heart:) <3 Grandma/Mimi -- charlotte
- on November 6, 2013
To my most special Madison Grace, Wow. Your favorite art creation so far!!! Mine too!!! Wow, you keep,getting better. I am so proud and happy tha thou enjoy creating beautiful artwork and making the world a more beautiful place. That is who you you are . That is what you do. Make the world mor are an incredible gift to me and to so many others in our world/ universe. Hugging you through the computer and holding you in my heart. I love you and thank you for bing such a kind, loving person. Grandma, Mimi -- Charlotte
- on May 1, 2013
Well, Madison Grace, just when I think you have created the most beautiful work of art... There you go again, my Cornmuffin , making a more wonderful work of art. You are truly gifted, my most precious one. I celebrate you and the beauty you continually bring to me and to to the world. Thank you for your hard work and attention to detail. Our world is richer because of you. Holding you in my heart. Loving you always, Grandma -- Charlotte
- on May 1, 2013
Wow, Madison. Your artistic ability is just sensational. I am so proud of you. Your newest art is myf Favorite yet:). Thank you for being soooooooo special. Loving you most! Grandma -- Charrlotte
- on March 6, 2013
My precious corn muffin, I so love you, and your newest picture is wonderful. The colors are so pretty. I like leaves too, but I do not like when they fall from the trees:( I like them best when they are budding on the trees in the spring. Hugging you through the computer:) -- Charlotte
- on December 4, 2012
Madison, my adorable corn muffin, Your hearts ate beautiful and the detail really makes the picture better. I was surprised since you like rainbows so much that I thought you would use colors. You are such an interesting person... so greative. I love you most and am holding you in my heart. Keep working hard. Grandma -- charlotte
- on October 17, 2012
How awesome is your drawing, my dearest corn muffin. I love you so much, and I am soproud of your hard work and amazing creativity. I think of you each sunset I watch and I am holding you in my heart. Loving u most, Grandma -- Charlotte
- on October 17, 2012
Hi Maddy, Your new art work looks great. I hope you are enjoying your new school -- Pop Pop