Hi Austin, Great sculpting job. Those teeth look a little scary. -- Gammie
- on July 29, 2015
Austin, Your jelly fish looks like it is floating in the ocean. Very cool. -- Gammie
- on July 29, 2015
Hi Austin, I always enjoy viewing your newest works of art. You are very talented. Great job! -- Gammie
- on March 27, 2015
Austin, I really like Laurel Burch. I own lots of her jewelry. I think you captured her style. Great job! Love, Gammie -- Rebecca
- on March 27, 2015
Wow Austin, Your painting is exactly like "Hello Kitty," only better. Keep the great art coming. I enjoy seeing your newest work. -- Gammie
- on December 26, 2014
Hi, Austin, Your tiki looks original. Is it smiling or grimacing? -- Gammie
- on November 10, 2014
Austin, your Indian elephant looks so authentic. Keep those fantastic artworks coming. Gammie -- Gammie
- on October 16, 2014
Hi Austin, I love, love, love your latest artwork. It reminds me of summer time. I hope your wish comes true. Gammie -- Rebecca
- on June 3, 2014
I love your watermelon smile, Austin. You've grown into such a great artist over the past two years! -- Mom
- on May 29, 2014
I like this picture Austin. I like it so much I’m going to make it into a T-Shirt! -- Chris
- on April 22, 2014
I love your heart art, Austin!! -- Mom
- on March 14, 2014
Hi Austin, I like your newest painting. Bull is a Good name fot it. I can hardly wait to see your next picture. Keep up the great art work. Love, Gammie -- Gammie
- on February 11, 2014
Hi Austin, I love your Chinese Lion Dance artwork. It is so neat! I can't wait to see more of your drawings :-) Love, Mom