Cierra1017's Comments (29)

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Below are comments about Cierra1017's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like your panda or poler baer how it looks like it is qiut
-- A
- on May 10, 2014
I like your art . You did a very good job. I like the pockitdodts you put on your hat. I can see that you worked very hord on it. I like it because the fish are bright and bright coulrs are my feverit.
-- m
- on May 10, 2014
I love the colers of your hat. It makes me think of sweet little droplets falling in a pond.
-- a
- on May 10, 2014
I like ro art. You soud bekem a artis. You soud jorl more art. Your art is osoum.
-- c
- on May 10, 2014
This is spectacular! How did you make this hat? You chose wonderful designs and lovely colors. Good work! 2nd Grade Student
-- Y
- on April 29, 2014
This one is my favorite, you have a great mind for a little artist! One day you will me famous, all of us are so proud you!
-- Monica
- on December 31, 2013
I love this painting. I love animals. Cats are my favorite
-- Michelle
- on December 25, 2013
I am very proud of my little girl. Keep up the good work. luv u little d grandma
-- Terri
- on November 14, 2013
Your pictures always brighten my day, love your cousin Michelle. Keep up the good work.
-- Michelle
- on November 13, 2013
Cierra you are starting the year with a beautiful picture I am very proud of you
-- Mommy
- on October 17, 2013
Cierra I love your duck with an umbrella that was a great idea love you
-- Mommy
- on May 5, 2013
This is a nice fish! He has the most interesting lines. Do you have a name for your fish?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
This was a very colorful project. We layered many colors. Later we added lots of tiny pictures and shapes to make this art work look interesting. You did an excellent job on this piece!
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Printmaking is a lot of fun! You did a wonderful job printing shapes onto your paper. What was your favorite part of this project? (We printed using shapes like legos, washers, forks, etc. Then we used texture plates to get a nice background. Some of us layered many different colors in the background.) What did you like best?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Great job! Your ostrich is beautiful.
I love the lines you used to draw this interesting bird.
He looks quite inquisitive!
Can you tell me a story about your ostrich?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Beautiful Colors! This reminds me of Picasso's work!
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Cierra Keep up the GREAT ART WORK!!!!!
-- Sharon
- on April 14, 2013
So pretty!
-- iris
- on April 8, 2013
I love how creative and enthusiastic you are about art great job love you
-- Mommy
- on April 6, 2013
Cierra you never stop amazing me you have an eye for beauty
-- Mommy
- on April 6, 2013
You amaze me everytime I look at your work. You are my pride and joy. Love you Grandma
-- Grandma
- on April 5, 2013
My baby girl you are so talented. I am very proud of you keep up the good work. Love you Grandma
-- Grandma
- on April 5, 2013
You make people smile with your art, including me. I love your new picture. Keep up the good work. Your family is so proud of you. All of us. Love, Michelle Puig.
-- Michelle
- on April 5, 2013
That is such a pretty picture. I am so proud of you.
-- Michelle
- on December 18, 2012
I am so proud of you. Your picture is beautiful just like you. Love u Grandma
-- Terri
- on December 11, 2012
Another beautiful picture by a very talented artist I am very proud of you :)
-- Jennifer
- on December 5, 2012
My baby girl I am so proud of you. You are such a great artist and a very special granddaughter. Love you
-- Terri
- on November 28, 2012
i luv beautiful...
-- iris
- on November 26, 2012
Cierra you have a beautiful picture mommy is very proud of you.
-- Jennifer
- on November 21, 2012