Zoe3371's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Zoe3371's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I like your sun in the background.I think it really brings out the colors of the flower.
-- l
- on June 25, 2014
I like the colrs of your flowers
-- f
- on June 25, 2014
I like the way you put the sun in the back round.the picture reminds me of when the sun rises up in the sky.
-- A
- on June 25, 2014
I like the pink & purpule you used. I also like the shape of the petils, it looks VERY pretty.
-- M
- on June 25, 2014
This is so cute!!! I plan to hang it in the clinic. :)
-- Mom
- on November 21, 2013
I love this Christmas tree!! I am going to frame it!! :)
-- Mom
- on November 21, 2013
This is a nice fish! He has the most interesting lines. Do you have a name for your fish?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
This was a very colorful project. We layered many colors. Later we added lots of tiny pictures and shapes to make this art work look interesting. You did an excellent job on this piece!
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Printmaking is a lot of fun! You did a wonderful job printing shapes onto your paper. What was your favorite part of this project? (We printed using shapes like legos, washers, forks, etc. Then we used texture plates to get a nice background. Some of us layered many different colors in the background.) What did you like best?
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013
Beautiful Colors! This reminds me of Picasso's work!
- Mary (teacher at Peggy Carnahan Elementary) on April 15, 2013