Won4's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Won4's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Won, your two colored ships have great contrast. The ship lines you added did create interest, but perhaps they would have looked more realistic if they had been horizontal, like how ship boards would be. Despite the tessellating part being your least favorite, you did a good job at being precise.
- Melissa (teacher at Seoul Foreign School) on February 5, 2014
I think you did very well on separating the colors between the ships. I think you tried very hard to make that shape into a ship but I think you could have added some familiar objects such as a tiny mast or at least a steering wheel. Overall I think you did very well on creativity.
-- David
- on February 7, 2014
I liked how you picked two opposite colors because it makes it easier to see where each shape starts and ends. I think you could have put a little more detail on the front of the ship. It's a good tessellation project.
-- Justin
- on February 7, 2014