Dylan12173's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Dylan12173's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dylan very unique piece of art work love u and all your imaginative creative ways of expressing yourself
-- Stephenie
- on December 1, 2018
Wow how amazing Dylan moms very proud of you how artistic u have really turned out to be keep up the great work
-- Stephenie
- on June 29, 2016
-- Brian
- on December 1, 2015
Dylan what a unique and neat piece of art you have created your a real artist mom is very proud of u keep up the great work love you your mother stephenie
-- Stephanie
- on December 1, 2015
Very creative Dylan looks like a really neat butterfly very amazed with your art work son
-- Stephenie
- on May 31, 2015
What a nice looking Greek urn u have created mom is so very proud of your creative artisim
-- Stephenie
- on May 31, 2015
Go pack go colors your just an amazing young man with your creativeness and all that you put into your artwork mommy so proud of you dylan
-- Stephanie
- on May 31, 2015
Awesome job! looks almost like a giant hamburger you probably could eat yourself but it also looks like boulders with objects inside of them. Cool!
- on February 25, 2015
That is a beautiful piece of work! Way to go Dylan. Whereever that is I want to go too. Nice job. Lisa
- on February 25, 2015
That's a very interesting piece of art work I really like the packers colors in there with a touch of orange great job mom is so very proud of you my little artist
-- Stephenie
- on February 25, 2015
You really have great artistic skills dylan mom is so proud of you keep up the good work looking forward to see your next piece love you
-- Stephenie mother
- on October 29, 2014
Amazing work Dylan, way to go! Can't wait to see more.
-- Lisa
- on September 28, 2014