Nathan10169's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Nathan10169's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Pumpkin, your Christmas artwork is so good! Really puts me in the spirit.
-- Nana
- on December 28, 2012
Nathan - I think that you a re ready for Christmas. Remember the snow we saw this Spring in New Mexico? Wished you could visit up North and experience "snow". Good work. Love ya'.
-- PaPoo
- on December 1, 2012
My favorite part of this one is how you did the sky... It looks just like a real winter sky! Cool!
-- Kelly
- on December 1, 2012
This one is so cool! I especially like Santa's sleigh and reindeer. Drop some presents on us, Santa! :-)
-- Kelly
- on December 1, 2012
Great work Nate - Maybe some days you will see snow this deep. Reminds my of winters up North.
-- PaPoo
- on December 1, 2012
Great work Grandson. You'll getting better with each picture.
-- PaPoo
- on October 30, 2012
This is cool, Nathan... I think it is my favorite so far!
-- Kelly
- on October 23, 2012
Nathan your artwork is so good! I am very proud of you.
-- Nana
- on October 23, 2012
Wow Nathan!! This is really great!! I love your art!!
-- Andrea
- on October 20, 2012
Wow Nathan!! I'm so proud of you!! You are an AMAZING artist!! I love your pictures!! I can't wait to see more of your pictures!! Sending you big hugs!! - Andrea :)
-- Andrea
- on October 6, 2012
Great imagination Nate. You are really doing some beautiful work. I am very, very proud of you.
-- PaPoo
- on October 3, 2012
I love this! It would look really good with a whole room painted this way! Might feel like you were Spiderman caught in a web.
-- Nana
- on October 3, 2012
Nathan - Wow - this is really good. I can't wait to view more of your art. Wanda (Bobby's Mom)
-- Wanda Bobbys Mom
- on October 2, 2012
This is really good, Nathan. I knew you were an artist when you started making cards at my house when you were 3!
-- Nana
- on October 2, 2012