Yael71's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Yael71's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Yael, your artwork is fantastic. I love seeing it. It is bright, vibrant and full of life, just like you! I can see that you have graduated to another level of art and think that you should be naming your work as you produce it. I would call this one, "Potteh de fleurs", but you can pick your own name if you don't like my choice. Keep up the good work. Love, Marilyn & Zady.
-- Mel
- on April 1, 2013
Ya-el, I really like this black and white person that you drew. It shows me that you have a real good undestanding about human behavior and situations that they get into from time to time. Not everything or everybody is all "whatever" you see and there may be another side to take into account. A very "mature concept" and Marilyn and I are so very proud of you. Love, Zady.
-- Zady
- on January 15, 2013
Ya'el, I love seeing your artwork and your pictures make me happy! I am so proud of you!!! Love, Mommy
-- Nicole
- on January 11, 2013
Ya'el, this snowman looks so happy and mischievous. I can't wait to play in the snow with you again! Love Daddy
-- Matthew
- on January 10, 2013
Hi, Ya'el Amazing art work, I am really proud of your art skills, keep up the good work Poppa
-- Poppa
- on December 11, 2012
Great work Ya'el, Love it!!!! I'm so proud of you. Love you Grandma
-- Jo
- on December 7, 2012
hi ya,el how u doing girlfriend miss u ill see u in class and nice art love Alaina a class mate
-- Alaina
- on October 17, 2012
You are awesome! Love your work
-- Colwill
- on October 17, 2012