Hi Christalee, You have a produce another great piece of artwork! This picture is perfect for the holiday season. I look forward to seeing more. -- Mrs. LaNora
- on November 29, 2012
Christalee, This is another outstanding masterpiece! -- Mom
- on October 21, 2012
Cristalee, your flower is beautiful. I think I would like to have an original one for my wall. Keep up the good work. You are very creative. Mrs. LaNora
- on October 9, 2012
Great drawing! It looks like it was created by a professional artist. Keep up the good work. -- Douglas
- on October 2, 2012
Christalee, I am so impressed with your artistic abilities. You and your Uncle Russell have something in common. Keep it up!!! -- Auntee Jan
- on October 2, 2012
Very nice work Christalee!! It is beautiful! -- Ms. Jane
- on September 30, 2012
Christalee, this is a really, really great portrait. I am very proud of you. You should do some artwork for your room. -- Mom