What a GREAT pic! U have real talent! Keep up the excellent drawings. I'm very proud of U! -- Welo
- on November 5, 2012
I love this picture of a tree in the Fall. This is my favorite season and you have captured the colors beautifully. Awesome job Antonia! -- Mommy
- on October 31, 2012
WOW!!!! This illusional sphere, is my favorite thus far!!... You are so talented!! I can truly see you going far w/ your art work!! Stay Blessed n Highly Favored -- Stephanie
- on October 24, 2012
Absolutely love the contrast in this piece!!... Great job Artist, Anotonia -- Stephanie
- on October 24, 2012
You are very talented Antonia! -- Sara
- on October 21, 2012
Great work Antonia! All 3 pieces are awesome! Nice color combination and great feel :) ,keep it up! You have an amazing future ahead of you! I'm very proud -- Benji
- on October 21, 2012
Antonia, you are truly blessed with a GREAT talent!!.. Keep up the fantastic work!!... It's BEAUTIFUL art!! I'm extremely impressed!!WOW!! -- Stephanie
- on October 21, 2012
Way to go Antonia! Love your work. What a great job! I love your designs. Great depth perception on your sphere. Keep up the great art work! I'm very proud of you. -- Welo
- on October 21, 2012
Wow! This is awesome! I love the patterns! -- Mommy
- on October 21, 2012
Great job. It kinda looks like the flowers have eyes! -- Mommy