Taylor16076's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Taylor16076's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a beautiful work of art Taylor!! We love all your drawings and paintings and we are so proud of your creativity!
-- Mom and Dad
- on November 30, 2015
I love art because its one of the most relaxing things about life!The weaving we did was hard at first but once you got a hang of it started to get easier every time I went to art. It was hard to get the weaving equal to each other.The weaving its self took about 4 to 5 weeks i know what your thinking that is a long time for an art project. I didn't want to put beads on because in my opinion it takes a long time and plus ('' I just wanted to be done'' ).My friend Idea put on beads and it took at least one whole art day.
-- Taylor
- on April 9, 2014
i liked my artwork. It was very easy and i hope that the who we made it for likes it and uses it in hanndy. have a merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- taylor
- on January 1, 2013