Adam6614's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Adam6614's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great detail in your picture! You are such a good artist! Grma Dianne
-- Dianne
- on May 24, 2013
Very good job! You are an excellent artist. She looks like a real woman. PAPA
- on May 22, 2013
Beautiful picture, Adam. Your art is as good as Sadie's. See you next week-end. Love you, Grandma Vick.
-- Vick
- on May 20, 2013
Great "snowy" picture, Adam! You look so happy in the picture!!
-- dianne
- on February 28, 2013
Very good artwork Adam! You are a better artist than I am. I love you very much!
-- Larry (PaPa)
- on February 28, 2013
Great job, Adam. That is one handsome cat. Love the whiskers! And we love you! Grandma Vick and Grandpa Mike.
-- Vick
- on November 12, 2012
I want to pet and feed your kitty!!!!!!!!! PaPa
-- Larry
- on November 12, 2012