Cecelia287's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Cecelia287's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really like this picture especially the big beautiful flower! Love, Mom
-- Marcy
- on June 5, 2014
Great job on your building. I like the colors.
-- Carol
- on June 4, 2014
Cecelia- I love the colors you used!! A great picture for the nice weather we are getting! Love, Mom
-- Marcy
- on April 15, 2014
Cecelia- I love the weaving you did! Awesome Job!! Mom
-- Marcy
- on January 23, 2014
I love love love the heart snowflakes! Great work!! Mom
-- Marcy
- on January 22, 2014
I love the fall picture you made! Fantastic job and I like the colors, its definitely fall!!
-- marcy g
- on November 8, 2013
Cecelia- You are an Awesome Artists!! You have such a big heart, love the colors! Mom
-- Marcy
- on March 22, 2013
I have been enjoying your art work ! You are getting to be a real artist,love your choise of colors!!!
-- rose
- on March 21, 2013
Cecelia- I love the Native art project! So beautiful! Love You-mom
-- Marcy
- on December 14, 2012
what a beautiful fall leaf!makes me miss michigan and you !!!
-- rose
- on October 19, 2012
love seeing your art work! what a great job of picking colors,can't wait to see more!
-- rose
- on October 19, 2012
Cecelia, I love your bubble art. It is very colorful and cheerful!! Love,Love, love It!! I look forward to seeing more of your art work. Mom
-- Marcy
- on October 15, 2012