Lucy1379's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Lucy1379's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks good enough to eat! You are a talented artist.
-- Jacqueline
- on June 8, 2016
I like the way this project makes me feel like hula dancing!
-- Jacqueline
- on June 8, 2016
I really like your kite. It looks like stained glass. You are very creative! Love, Mom
- on June 15, 2015
This is great Lucy! I love the combination of art and math. Wonderful job.
-- Grammy
- on June 14, 2015
Hi Lucy, I really like your owl picture. Great job again.
-- Grammy
- on March 25, 2015
Great job Lucy! I love your artwork; you are such a fantastic artist. I can't wait to see you here in Hawaii.
-- Grammy
- on March 25, 2015
This is a great picture Lucy! I had not seen this one until just now. Keep up the good work; you are quite the artist. Love, Grammy
-- Grammy
- on December 12, 2014
I feel like your owl is watching me in the moonlight. I like the way you used the color for the eyes and moon. You are an awesome artist!
-- Mom
- on April 24, 2013
Your technique is amazing & I really like the colors you selected. I am constantly impressed by you.
-- Jacqueline
- on February 23, 2013
This project is very creative and I like your use of color!
-- Jacqueline
- on February 23, 2013
This is so exciting to have your art on the computer Lucy! And just think, you are in Kindergarten now and your pictures are just starting to be shown. You have a long and fun artwork time ahead of you. I really liked the picture that you did of yourself. You are a great artist!
-- Diane
- on November 6, 2012
Lucy, Your self-portrait is wonderful. You are a fabulous artist!
-- Jacqueline
- on November 2, 2012