Alexis12483's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Alexis12483's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey there Alexis! Great contrast in the hand work :) I love the way each is the same shape but different looking.. I have some of your art on my computer at work and my co-workers say you are another Picasso.. So proud of you - keep up the creativity
-- Gramma G
- on May 15, 2013
Hey Alexis, Grma here :) Sorta looks like a rooster LOVE IT.. keep up the good art
-- Greta
- on March 18, 2013
Alexis, I just LOVE this work!!! When I saw it I went, like, WOW!!! That's my Grand-daughter with such talent! Love it! Keep up the great work..
-- Gramma Greta
- on January 27, 2013
I wanted to tell you your artwork is wonderful!! I had a complement given to your work by someone who studied art in Europe. She said you are very talented and I do agree! Keep up the great work!
-- Gramma
- on January 24, 2013