You did a great job painting your turtle. Good work Mary. -- Carol
- on June 4, 2014
You did a great job painting:) -- Mom
- on May 22, 2014
That is really pretty Mar bar. Love Mamaw -- Mamaw
- on April 23, 2014
That is really cool. I never seen anything like it. -- Mamaw
- on April 1, 2014
That is so cool girl. I love the orange color! -- Liz
- on March 25, 2014
How did I do it my art teacher cut the snow flak and I paint I like it vary much . -- mary
- on February 13, 2014
Love the design. It is something Pixie would like to see. :) -- Sue
- on June 19, 2013
Love your picture. Love papaw and mamaw -- Sue
- on March 26, 2013
Beautiful Mary!! Mary, Grandma Vada Collier had this painting in her living room when I was growing up. I loved looking at it as a little girl. Now I have a portrait of Mona Lisa drawn by my sweet beautiful Mary. Thank you, I will cherish it always. Grandma Shell -- Grandma Shell
- on March 8, 2013
Mar I love your picture you are becoming a great artist! -- mom
- on March 8, 2013
Mary, I love all of your artwork!! It is all beautiful, just as you are. I'm so very proud of you sweet heart and look forward to seeing more of your work! Hope to see you soon! Love, Gramma Shell -- Kim
- on February 19, 2013
Love your name. It is beautiful. Love u bug. Mamas a -- Sue