Isabella5889's Comments (99)

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Below are comments about Isabella5889's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Isabella, that is so cute! More felting? Love, Gramma
- Cathy on January 22, 2020
Nice Isabella, but it makes me feel cold. That looks like my windshield on our way back from South Dakota when we ran into a snowstorm.
- John on January 22, 2020
Nice clay pot!! Love, Gramma
- Cathy on January 22, 2020
Beautiful snowy night Isabella! Love Gramma
- Cathy on January 22, 2020
Beautiful snowy night Isabella! Love Gramma
- Cathy on January 22, 2020
Nice job Isabella. I always enjoy your artwork.
- on January 22, 2020
Isabella, love you pinch's gorgeous! Good for you, love Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 29, 2017
Terrific, Isabella. Beautiful clay pot.
-- John
- on March 29, 2017
Very creatively done, you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 29, 2017
I always love your art work, Isabella. Nice job, as always. Keep up the good work.
-- John
- on March 29, 2017
Isabella, that's a cool sculpture...nice job. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 29, 2017
Very nice 3D art, Isabella. You're going to have to teach me how you did this, OK?
-- John
- on March 29, 2017
Nice job, Isabella, as always. How did you do that?
-- John
- on January 11, 2017
Isabella, love your new artwork! Keep it, Gramma
-- cathy
- on January 11, 2017
Great drawing Isabella!
-- cathy
- on January 11, 2017
Wow! Isabella, that's a terrific drawing! Great job - keep up the great work in art.
-- John
- on January 11, 2017
Isabella, great op art, looks like that took a long time to create. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on December 9, 2016
Beautiful job Isabella! Nice optical illusion.
-- John
- on December 9, 2016
Isabella, looks like you really listened to drawing instructions, good job. Love, Gramma
-- cathy
- on December 9, 2016
Hey Isabella - Nice self-portrait - both before and after instruction.
-- john
- on December 9, 2016
Very interesting sculpture Isabella. What problem were you solving? Love, Gramm
-- Cathy
- on October 5, 2016
Nice sculpture, Isabella. Is that clay?
-- john
- on October 5, 2016
Nice self portrait, Isabella. I always love your art projects.
-- john
- on October 5, 2016
Looks like summer fun, all right. I'm sure you'll be doing a whole bunch of things for fun this summer.
-- John
- on August 10, 2016
Looks like you're having fun! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on August 10, 2016
Nice shoe - nice colors - I think gramma would look great wearing 2 of these! Think so? Maybe she could do her panucci dance wearing these.
-- John
- on August 10, 2016
Lovely silloutte, Isabella!
-- Cathy
- on August 10, 2016
Isabella, love your purple shoe!! Love you too, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on August 10, 2016
That chair looks so comfortable! Can I take a nap in it?
-- John
- on May 17, 2016
Nice, Isabella. I always enjoy seeing your artwork.
-- Cathy
- on May 17, 2016
Isabella, another great piece of art work! Great job! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on May 17, 2016
Beautiful art, Isabella. Keep up the great work. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 13, 2016
Isabella, beautiful! Looks like a Lake Michigan sunset. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 13, 2016
Isabella, I love tree and love the sky - beautiful!
-- john
- on March 13, 2016
Isabella, beautiful, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on March 11, 2016
Beautiful collage, Isabella! I love your choice of colors - nice sky too!
-- John
- on March 11, 2016
Beautiful, Isabella! I love the colors you chose, and love the veins in the leaves.
-- John
- on October 30, 2015
Isabella I absolutely love this!! I want to frame it and hang it up in my new house!! Love you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on October 30, 2015
Pretty design, Isabella. Keep up the good work!
-- John
- on June 4, 2015
Very cool designs Isabella, love your artwork and love you too! Gramma
-- Cathy
- on June 3, 2015
Nice job Isabella!
-- John
- on May 6, 2015
I love your little Calder bird. Calder is one of my favorite artists. Good Job, Isabella! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on May 6, 2015
Isabella, what a beautiful piece of art. I love it!! Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 28, 2015
Nice dragon Isabella! Does he breathe fire? Is he scary?
-- John
- on April 8, 2015
Isabella, that's a pretty cool looking dragon. Good Job!! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on February 1, 2015
THAT is SOME scary dragon! I hope it stays in my dreams and doesn't come into our yard.
-- John
- on January 30, 2015
Isabella I love your snow scene art. I love the way you always fill up the page with color. Love you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on January 8, 2015
Beautiful, Isabella! Makes me want to go sledding. Olaf would be proud of you. "Let It Go" - I mean "Let It Snow".
-- john
- on January 8, 2015
A beautiful royal portrait Isabella. Love it! Gramma
-- Cathy
- on December 17, 2014
Great portrait Isabella! Keep up the great art work.
-- John
- on December 3, 2014
That is a very beautiful and colorful work of abstract art, Great job Isabella!
-- john
- on October 31, 2014
Nice job Isabella. You are very talented!
-- john
- on October 10, 2014
Isabella, that is very cool. Bet you wish you had some driftwood and rocks to add to that. Keep up the good work. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on October 9, 2014
Isabella, I love your new artwork. Weaving is one of my favorites and this is beautiful. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on September 26, 2014
That's the best windblown turtle I have ever seen. It's tough walking against the wind, especially with a heavy shell on your back.
-- John
- on July 16, 2014
Looks like a windy day for the turtle...nice job! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on June 18, 2014
Yummmmm........!! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on May 23, 2014
Mmmmmmmmmmmm! Isabella, your art is making me hungry. Now I have to go eat some ice cream. Nice job with all the different colors - and flavors.
-- John
- on May 23, 2014
Isabella, What a beautiful flower - purple is your favorite color!! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on May 13, 2014
Beautiful flower with your favorite color (purple) - just in time for all the May flowers to be in bloom.
-- John
- on May 13, 2014
Cool cat looks like it's "letting it go" :) Meow, meow, meow.
-- John
- on April 22, 2014
Isabella, I hope you are as happy as your very happy cat. Great job!
-- John
- on April 21, 2014
Isabella, that cat definitely looks happy - good job! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 18, 2014
Nice house Isabella! Great job with your clay project.
-- John
- on April 18, 2014
Beautiful job Isabella - I love it!! Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 18, 2014
Isabella, what a cool neighborhood. This looks like it was fun to create. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 9, 2014
Isabella, Beautiful!! Circles are hard to cut out, aren't they? Love your color choices. Gramma
-- c
- on March 12, 2014
Beautiful polar bear, Isabella! Really cute! If I ever meet a polar bear, I hope it looks like this one!
-- John
- on February 19, 2014
Isabella, What a cute polar bear, although he does have some very sharp claws. It looks like it's snowy and cold. Great job. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on February 19, 2014
Isabella, that looks just like outside my window! Beautiful ... Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on January 29, 2014
Isabella, Those are the nicest snow flakes I've seen this winter! Is there enough to make a snowman?
-- John
- on January 29, 2014
Love your artwork Isabella! Great job!
-- John
- on January 14, 2014
Isabella, that looks like you! Nice job - you're such a great artist. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on January 12, 2014
Nice work Isabella! Is 5 your favorite number? And you just turned 6 yesterday?
-- john
- on November 27, 2013
Isabella, your artwork is beautiful. Guess you'll have to do another one with the number 6 since you just turned 6 yesterday! Love you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on November 27, 2013
I always enjoy your art work Isabella. Nice job. Is that a warm fish in cool water?
-- John
- on November 14, 2013
Love your warm fish, Isabella! And you too - good work... Gramma
-- Cathy
- on November 14, 2013
Isabella, I love your tall yellow sunflower - it's beautiful. And you painted in the whole blue background. Good for you! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on September 28, 2013
Beautiful, Isabella!
-- John
- on September 28, 2013
Nice job Isabella!
-- John
- on September 17, 2013
Isabella, what a lovely house and purple!! I love the details and the trunk of the tree. Great work - have a wonderful time in first grade. Love you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on September 17, 2013
I love your artwork Isabella!! You are turning into such a great artist.........I love the design and details. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on September 4, 2013
Beautiful house on a nice sunny day! Keep up the good work, Isabella.
-- John
- on September 4, 2013
Nice work Isabella. Looks like you painted your favorite color.
-- John
- on April 30, 2013
Isabella, The little owl is so cute!! Looks like it's getting ready to fly. Great work! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 22, 2013
Nice job Isabella! Always enjoy your artwork.
-- John
- on April 18, 2013
Isabella, What a cute little bear - she looks like she's growling. Keep up the great work - I love how you have tall trees too. Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on April 18, 2013
Very nice, Isabella. Keep up the good work!
-- Debby
- on February 9, 2013
Really, really cute, Isabella. And I like the way you wrote your name!
-- John
- on February 5, 2013
Isabella, I love your new art work. The mice look like they are dancing. Love you, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on February 5, 2013
Love your new art work, Isabella! Love, Gramma
-- Cathy
- on January 17, 2013
Nice job Isabella! I hope we can do an art project together with Gramma soon!
-- John
- on January 17, 2013
Great job Isabella! I love your art work!
-- John
- on November 29, 2012
Great job with the "mixed up" animals, birthday girl! Happy Birthday Isabella! Keep up the good work.
-- John
- on November 13, 2012
Great job, Isabella! Love it! Gramma
-- Cathy
- on November 12, 2012
Beautiful job, Isabella.
-- Debby
- on October 29, 2012
Isabella! Your art is beautiful! I love the colors! I can't wait to see more.
-- Carolyn
- on October 29, 2012
Wow Isabella! What a beautiful work of art for your very first artwork in school! Keep up the nice work.
-- John
- on October 29, 2012
Isabella, I am so proud of you! Look at that beautiful "I". Love you, Gramma & Papa John
-- Cathy
- on October 29, 2012