Ella3135's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Ella3135's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Ella, great job on making the dinosaur .....he is so bright and colorful. Looks like it took you a long time intermixing all those different colors....love it! And he looks gentle.....Good job ! Love grandma and grandpa
-- Connie
- on May 27, 2015
Ella cool 2 point shot, swish I heard it go....great picture. Love your enthusiasm in all you do. Love grandma and grandpa
-- Connie
- on March 26, 2015
Ella good job with the art work...you must be practicing in your new craft room at home....you can do lots of projects there...love the boat and cloud picture.....I would not wanna get caught in that storm...love you grandma
-- Connie
- on February 4, 2015
Awesome job, Ella! That wave looks so scary, but the boat looks so peaceful.
-- Dad
- on January 28, 2015
Ella, Pete the cat looks a little sneaky to me. Good job with the drawing. Love Grandma
-- Connie
- on May 1, 2014
Ella I love the vase of fresh picked flowers. The colors of the vase and flowers would look on my table. Great Job... Love Grandma
-- Grandma
- on November 18, 2013
Ella good job on making those squiggly lines so nice and bright. The monster is eating spaghetti and meatballs, that is a lot of shapes and lines and he looks very hungry. Good Job!! Love you Grandma and Grandpa
-- Connie
- on June 12, 2013
That's an awesome picture, Ella!
-- Dad
- on May 24, 2013
Dear Ella, great art work on the giving tree. Love the BRIGHT red apples. You are quite the little artist. Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Connie
- on April 12, 2013
Dear Ella, love your ART work good job. Keep up the good work. Contnue doing so well in school.Love Yah
-- grandma
- on February 24, 2013
Ella, I love your seahorse! It looks amazing!
-- Dad
- on February 24, 2013