Benjamin5000's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Benjamin5000's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Ben. It's been a while since you've posted your art. This one is a cool patch work of colored squares. Fits right in with the fall season. Miss you, PaPa and Nonna
-- Nonna And Papa
- on December 3, 2015
Ben, Now I can see the shape of the dinosaur. It was turned around before and I had a hard time making it out. Colorful and scary looking dinosaur! Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on June 3, 2015
Ben - Your Dragon has many bright colors. It must have been fun to work and mold with clay. Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on June 3, 2015
Hi Ben. We like your art work. The colors are great! But we aren't sure if it's a globe of the earth, a planet, or some sort of ball. Regardles, the colors you picked are our favorite
-- Nonna And Papa
- on June 3, 2015
Ben - This is an interesting piece of art from the Warli. Did you have to study about the tribe? There are so many things in the drawing that represents the people of India. A very nice drawing. Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on April 29, 2015
Ben - This is a great example of Mr. Nara;s work. The smile on the dogs face has a touch of happiness. He's an interesting artist as you are too. Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on April 29, 2015
Ben, You did a great job on making the wave look as scary as it was so long ago. Even Mt. Fuju was drawn so well by you. Keep up the great work! G-Ma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on January 14, 2015
Hi Ben, This is a very good drawing of the beautiful spiral churches and buildings that are in Russia. The colors you chose for the outside of the buildings are very similar to pictures I've seen of Russian architecture. Nice work! Grandma
-- Gma Yoshi
- on December 14, 2014
I'm really enjoying your artwork. So far, everything is beautiful!
-- Alyce
- on December 9, 2014
Ben, That must have taken a bit of time to make a very nice looking bird. It looks very delicate! Nice work. Grandma-Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on December 9, 2014
Ben- What a beautiful and interesting flower. I'm wondering what you made the flower out of. It looks like a very thin kind of paper. The flower looks very happy! I'm sure you were happy when you made it. Grandma Yoshi - Alyce
-- Alyce
- on March 12, 2014
Ben- This drawing probably took a long time to finish. It's very interesting with all the different designs you made in it. Grandma Yoshi Alyce
-- Alyce
- on November 16, 2013
Ben - You have made these sun flowers just in time. The snow will be coming soon and cover them all. Nice work on this picture of autumn flowers. G-ma Yoshi Alyce
-- Alyce
- on October 20, 2013
Hi Ben. Looks like your art class is busy with things that grow. Last time it was fall trees. This time beautiful flowers. I like the flowers more than the trees. Makes me think of spring. Papa
-- Papa
- on October 20, 2013
Hello Ben. Your fall picture is really cool! You did a great job! Miss you, Papa
-- Papa
- on October 20, 2013
Ben- Pretty soon that tree will be covered with snow and all those pretty leaves will be buried too. Good picture of the dark bluye sky and fall colors. Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on October 20, 2013
Very nice Ben. Your artu is improving with each new project. Papa
-- Papa
- on October 9, 2013
Ben - Your colorful flowers remind me of fireworks in the sky. Colorful exploding flowers! Professor Grandma McGonagill
-- Alyce
- on October 9, 2013
Hi Ben. Your sundae drawing sure makes me wish summer was here and we were eating one of these at the ice cream shop in Lake Linden. But I guess we'll have to wait a little longer. Nice job! Nonna and Papa
-- Papa
- on May 8, 2013
Your artwork is making me hungry for a sundae. I can only imagine what flavors of ice cream you were thinking of. Good job! G-ma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on May 8, 2013
Hi Ben. Good job on that living tree! It looks like a person and a tree. Also, the story about the tree is one of my favorites. Now I have your drawing to remind me how beautiful the tree is. Papa & Nonna
-- Papa
- on May 8, 2013
Ben - This art work is telling me a story. I feel it's branches are reaching out to give anyone who looks at it, a big hug. Good work. Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on May 8, 2013
This is an interesting yellow heart. Is there a story that goes with it? It makes me think of all different stories. I like the blue back round and how you made it look like a cloudy sky. Nice! Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on May 8, 2013
Benjamin- WOW..The art work you did of the sea horse is beautiful. It must have taken a lot of time and work to make him. He looks very happy, probably because you made him. Or is it a her? Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on February 16, 2013
Hi Ben. Your art is getting better with each new drawing. The sea horse is really good! Papa & Nonna
-- Papa
- on February 16, 2013
Ben- These cute little mice all want to wiggle and waggle off the paper. The colors you chose are great for these little guys. You are getting to be a good artist. Love, Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on December 18, 2012
Ben- What a colorful picture. I think the white lines look like a shape of a building with red, blue and yellow lights inside. What do you see? Nice work. Love, Grandma Alyce
-- Alyce
- on December 14, 2012
Oh yeah! This is one of your best paintings so far! Looks like the three blind mice from the song by the same name! One looks like a ghost from the old Pac Man video game. HA! Cool art work! Papa and Nonna
-- papa
- on December 14, 2012
Hi Ben. This picture is full of criss crossing rectangles that look like a very sturdy fence. Is that a rainbow on the left side? Very colorful picture. Thanks for sharing it with us. Merry Christmas! PaPa and Nonna
-- papa
- on December 14, 2012
Happy,happy Ben. I love this picture. Great job. Love you, Nonno
-- Nonna
- on December 4, 2012
Ben -- this is a really happy drawing. Lots of great smiles, just like your smile. Papa and Nonna
-- Robert
- on November 29, 2012
Ben- This is a very happy drawing. The sun and star and the heart are all smiling - just like you! It's wonderful! Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on November 29, 2012
Hi Ben. Pretty cool art work. Looks like you are enjoying school. Miss you, Papa
-- Papa
- on October 17, 2012
Ben, Your drawing reminds me of a balloon with Sonic chasing it in the sky. I know I'm probably wrong but it has a lot of color. Good job! Grandma Yoshi
-- Alyce
- on October 7, 2012