You have it all figured out. Love how the cow is having lunch. Great job Will. Love Grams -- Grandma Lorelei
- on October 28, 2015
Your flower is so awesome. Makes me super excited for garden flowers. You did an excellent job of creating the flower. Looks real!!! -- Grandma Lorelei
- on April 15, 2015
Will this is my new favorite. Love snowman families!????????Spending the week with your Sumption cousins. How is school and basketball. Glad it is getting warmer out. -- Grandma Lorelei
- on February 11, 2015
Great Rudolph. Can Elf catch a ride? Merry Christmas. Love grammy -- Grandma lorelei
- on December 15, 2014
Will want a great Rudolph can Elf have a ride? Love grammy -- Grandma Lorelei
- on December 24, 2014
Can Elf get a ride? Love grammy -- Grandma Lorelei
- on December 24, 2014
Will your trees are so neat. Wait til you see them for Christmas. This is one of my favorites. The Elf won't get it away from me. Love Grammy -- Grandma Lorelei
- on December 24, 2014
Will you are so creatative. Happy Thanksgiving!! Love Grammy -- Grandma Lorelei
- on November 21, 2014
Will, you did an excellent job of a Halloween cat. How did you do just an awesome job? -- Grammy lorelei
- on November 5, 2014
Will, You are being so creative in art class! I love the work you bring home! Love you! Mom -- Teresa