Ryan17107's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Ryan17107's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Looks awesome. Grandpa Chuck would be proud.
-- Michael
- on October 16, 2018
Hi Ryan, Just saw your new artwork! Very beautiful.... Love the color and the image. Grampa and I are very proud of you. Love you, hope to see you soon.
- on November 12, 2014
Ryan, I love your artwork. Keep up the good work. Love you, Mom
- on November 5, 2014
What a good job you did coloring in your castle and your window lights. This is a very spooky castle!

Ms. Gilman
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on October 16, 2013
You did a good job mixing your colors and arranging them in color wheel order. Keep up the good work!
Ms. Gilman
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on October 15, 2013
WOW, that is one scary pumkin on the grass! But maybe he is smiling and is happy Halloween is almost here. Have a wonderful time in Disneyland, Ryan! Love you bunches of pumkins! Grandma
-- Marianne
- on November 14, 2012
What a terrific mouse picture this is Ryan! He looks like a very happy mouse, does he have a name? I also like the blue birds that keep him company! Good work my little artist! LOve you much, Grandmamma
-- Marianne
- on November 14, 2012
Ryan, I love your painting! Your paintings put a huge smile on my face! Keep up the great work. I love you! Mom
-- Mom
- on October 10, 2012
Your painting is like a little somg. Good work,
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on September 29, 2012
Dear Ryan, I just LOVE your artwork! You are going to be a wonderful artist someday. Gramma would love to have a copy of your picture, so I can put it in a frame and hang it on the wall and then Grampa and I can look at it every day and also tell everyone that our grandson painted this beautiful picture. Keep on painting, honey and you will be famous like Kadinsky! We love you and are sooooooooo proud of you! XoXo (that means kisses and hugs) from Gramma and Grampa
-- Marianne
- on September 19, 2012