Giombattista1's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Giombattista1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gio, that's a wonderfull snowman. Makes me think of New York I miss the snow. Remember going sledding in the park? I LOVE you. ..
-- Antonio
- on January 22, 2015
Mi campeon Te amo! Mami
- on January 9, 2015
Que lindo este gatito ! Hermoso como tu! Mami
- on January 9, 2015
Bello mi vida! Mami
- on January 9, 2015
Mi amor hermoso, tu snowman es precioso, como tu mi hijito lindo! Te amo mi vida! Mi principe azul! I love you more than infinity! Millones de besos y abrazos Mami
- on January 9, 2015