This painting is perfect! Summer is here. That hot sun is shining. You are a terrific artist, continue to create masterpieces. -- Wee Wee
- on May 30, 2014
Looks like the same Easter bunny that was at your house -- Ben
- on May 3, 2014
What a cool picture little buddy!!!! I love bunnies even more now! I hope the Easter Bunny visited you at your house! Love you! Julie -- Julie
- on May 3, 2014
Great job, Jamin!!! Looks like a perfect place to visit!!!! We love your creative mind! Love you, Doug, Julie, Lacey, Lindsey and Lexi -- Julie
- on April 15, 2014
Jamin, you continue to amaze me! You are so creative. What a.great job done. Keep up the outstanding work. -- Lori
- on April 9, 2014
Great picture, Jamin!!! I could use a pair of those this morning!! You are such a talented young man and we are proud of your work!!! Keep up your creativity!!!! Love you, The Stahlys!!! -- Julie
- on February 1, 2014
I love your picture! Great job! I love so much. -- Aunt WeeWee
- on January 23, 2014
wow, Jamin love the snowman! It melts my heart -- Aunt WeeWee
- on December 15, 2013
Another AWESOME piece of artwork Jamin! It makes me cold though looking at it!!!!! I love your creative little mind!!!! LOVE YOU, Bud!!!!!! -- Julie
- on December 15, 2013
Great job, Jamin!!!! Mom and Dad look great and you, of course, are always a handsome little man!!!!Keep up the great work! -- Julie
- on November 28, 2013
What a perfect picture to make for the most loving little man we know!!!! What creativity you have!!! Great job, Jamin!!!!! Doug, Julie and Lexi -- Julie
- on November 28, 2013
I love this artwork Jamin, You hold a special part of my heart. -- Aunt Lori
- on November 18, 2013
Jamin your the best I have your heart hands hanging in my Kitchen, you are the best ever, never give up keep working hard -- Kathy
- on November 12, 2013
What a great artist you are. Keep up designing and creating. Love you so Much. So proud of you. -- WEE WEE
- on November 10, 2013
WOW! What a GREAT Fall picture, Jamin! I love it! I can imagine looking at the campground when I see this picture! Keep up the super work! Love you! Julie -- Julie
- on October 31, 2013
Great job, Jamin!!!! I love the colors and you have a very creative eye! Keep up the great work!!! Love you Bud!!!! Julie, Lexi and Doug -- Julie
- on September 28, 2013
Great Job, Jamin! What a creative guy you are! Keep up the great work! -- Julie
- on May 22, 2013
You are very creative Jamin! I love all of yr artwork. I really this one with Shine!! You are an Awesome kid!! -- heather
- on May 12, 2013
This is AWESOME, Jamin!!!! I love the design and color! You are such a talented young man and Julie is proud of you!!!! -- Julie
- on May 3, 2013
Jamin I purchased this to hang in my home. -- Kathy
- on May 3, 2013
So cool jamin great colors -- Jolene
- on May 3, 2013
What an awesome print -- Ben
- on April 10, 2013
I really like the two hands together. Shows how loving you are.keep on doing well Mom -- Jolene
- on April 9, 2013
So colorful, I love it, Jamin you are such a great artist. Keep up the great work. -- Aunt Wee Wee
- on April 6, 2013
What an awesome picture! You do such a great job. I love your Polar Bear. Is his name ICE? thank you for sharing. I will continue to watch for your wonderful artwork. -- Aunt Wee Wee
- on April 6, 2013
Jamin What a super deer what a pretty picture. We love you lots. -- Jolene