I don't remember seeing this one! Did you make it on the computer?? So cool! -- Mom
- on April 27, 2017
Really cool colors... Reminds me of something I'd see in Mexico. Great job! -- Mom
- on April 27, 2017
This is really neat... how long did it take you to create all those doors?! You'd make an awesome architect! Nice job! -- Mom
- on April 27, 2017
This is really really cool.... My favorite thing about this project is that you really took a lot of time to get your features right... Also, I love looking back and comparing the self portraits from other years... neat piece. Great job, bud! :) -- Mom
- on April 27, 2017
LOL... Because why Wouldn't helmet people be buying buddha's? Sometimes your brain amazes me.... Good thinking, Connor! ;) -- Kate
- on April 27, 2017
Now THIS is some serious art.... LOL... Well done, bud! Was it hard to get the turnipy-carrot man into that shape?? Love his hair.... :D -- Mom
- on April 27, 2017
I'm proud of the time and dedication you put towards this project. I know how hard you worked... excellent job, bud! :* -- Mom
- on June 6, 2016
LOL... I'm not sure WHAT to think about this one?! Totally random football helmets shopping for Buddha's, huh? You sure do have one awesome imagination... :D -- Mom
- on June 6, 2016
Love the colors you chose to use here... and I agree- even though you kept things simple, it all comes together in the middle. :) Nice job! -- Mom
- on June 6, 2016
SO this is really cool... Very Piccaso-esque. ;) Love how one side of you is ready to tackle, and the other is ready to hug. :) Great job, bud! Love, Mom -- Kate
- on January 27, 2016
LOVE THIS! So much handsome there, I'm surprised you had enough paint! :* Love, Mom -- Kate
- on January 27, 2016
So I'm LOVING the new portrait.... :) I have to say- totally captured all that handsome right in one painting! :) -- Mom
- on January 28, 2016
Hi Connor! Poppie and I always look forward to seeing your newest art. Keep up the good work! Love from Grammie and Poppie -- Grammie
- on November 25, 2015
So fun- great job! ??
- on May 28, 2015
I wonder where are those doors lead to.... Maybe to some snacks? Or a lax gear storage facility? Lol.... Or maybe Grand Cayman?!?! Yes. Definitely GC. Lol
- on May 28, 2015
You're getting very talented at drawing "depth"... This is very cool! Nice job, bud! :)
- on May 28, 2015
Love this! ... Reminds me of drawings Pop Pop used to teach me to make.... :)
- on May 28, 2015
Dude. Very cool.... Looks like these are made in 3D! :)
- on April 22, 2015
Hi Connor! I was just looking through your art work and I saw this one. I just love the detail you used in making this 3D picture:) Keep up the great work xoxox -- Mema
- on April 22, 2015
Hi Connor ! We just saw your latest art on the web page. Nice work! Love, Grammy and Poppie -- Grammy
- on March 13, 2015
I love it Connor! It's' "positively" perfect! ???? -- Aunt Meghan
- on November 25, 2014
TOUCHDOWNNNNN!! :) Very cool, buddy.... love it! -- Mom
- on November 25, 2014
Wow- so cool, buddy! Great job! -- Mom
- on June 11, 2014
Verrrry cool, CPK, verrrry cool... :) -- Mom
- on May 23, 2014
Hi Connor.... This is the best picture ever! Great job on this beautiful artwork?? -- Mema
- on May 22, 2014
Very cool, buddy!! Looks like a windy day in your picture! -- Mom
- on April 9, 2014
Hi Connor, I was delighted to see your new art work displayed on this site. It is very creative! You are very talented in so many ways... this effort shows me your skills in art too. Great job! -- Mema
- on January 29, 2014
Hi Connor ... I wanted to let you know that I really love the mixture and blending of colors in this art piece! Keep up the nice work... I am so proud of you xoxo -- Mema
- on November 15, 2013
Pop pop and I just saw your picture, Connor! It is wonderful. You are so artistic. Keep up the great work. We are so happy to see it. Love you xoxo -- Mema
- on March 7, 2013
Wow... I just saw you other pictures:) This is my favorite. I love the bright "party" look of this cheerful picture! Love, Mema xoxo -- Mema
- on March 7, 2013
Connor, This artwork is SO cool! I can't wait for you to bring it home so we can frame it and hang it up!! Love you, Mom -- Kate
- on March 7, 2013
Connor, this is really cool! Nice job!! Love you, Mom -- Kate
- on January 16, 2013
This is such a beautiful addition to our Christmas tree... Love you, Mom -- Kate
- on December 18, 2012
Connor, you are such a creative and talented artist! I love you, Mom -- Kate
- on December 18, 2012
Connor - Your owl looks like a very big bird. I like the texture of the the papers you used for your tree. Good job!
- Kathy (teacher at Wanaque Elementary School) on December 10, 2012