Joseph10634's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Joseph10634's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Joseph, you are very good in arts. Very nice composition and beautiful colors. Love you. Nina & your grandfather
-- Sergey
- on January 6, 2016
Joseph - I like that you were so careful in following directions on this project! But I think the thing I like the most about your project is that you used a symbol that is very important to you in your work! Great job! Love, Mrs. Ric
-- Kathy
- on May 6, 2015
Beautiful expression of our lovely grandson imagination of the winter-greatest time of the year because he was born in January
-- Sergey+Nina
- on December 14, 2014
I love your warm colors piece. Great job!
-- Miss G.
- on April 23, 2014
Joseph - I am so proud of you and the work you did on your vase! I love the texture you made for the design on your vase. That took a lot of time and effort. Great job! Love, Mrs. Ric
-- Kathy
- on December 26, 2013
Love this! Very creative, Joseph!
-- Zhanna
- on November 13, 2013
Great job! Mrs. Spirko
-- Janet
- on June 29, 2013
Joseph - You did a great job on your self-portrait! I hope you had a wonderful time in art class this year. Have a great summer! Love, Mrs. Ric
-- Kathy
- on June 26, 2013
Dear Joseph, I am proud of your very good artwork. And I like very much not only your last work but everything, what you did during this your first school year! I love you. Your grandfather.
-- Sergey
- on June 26, 2013
Very nice!
-- Mom
- on June 26, 2013
This is great, Joseph! Love the self-portrait!
-- Mommy
- on June 25, 2013
Love this! My little bug. :)
-- Mommy
- on May 28, 2013
This is really beautiful! I would love to hang this on my wall!
-- Lena
- on April 12, 2013
Such pretty colors. Great job, little man! Diana
-- diana
- on April 6, 2013
Very creative. Nice job Joseph!
-- Victoria
- on April 6, 2013
Wow! Beautiful! Great job Joseph!!
-- Ilona
- on April 5, 2013
This is beautiful! A young Pollock.
-- Marita
- on April 5, 2013
Great work!!!
-- Alex
- on April 5, 2013
Great job love the colors and the different stroks of the brush used in the painting.
-- irene
- on April 5, 2013
Had so much fun doing this together!
-- Zhanna
- on April 5, 2013
-- Oksana
- on April 5, 2013
Looks great!
-- Olga
- on April 5, 2013
absolutely beautiful, awesome job Joseph!!
-- Marina
- on April 5, 2013
Hi, our lovely older Grandson Joseph! We are so proud of you. You are very clever and creative person. We wish you to be a good boy and grow up "umnen'kim i blagorasumnen'kim". Love always, Your Grandparents.
-- Sergey & Nina
- on September 27, 2012