Drew Makenzie you are absolutely amazing! Your details and talent are remarkable! The shapes and colors are perfect from the cactus to the sky and creatures. I love you to the moon and back....I can't wait to see the next picture. You are the best! -- Love Nani
- on June 12, 2017
Honey I love the catus it looks like you are right in the Desert . Keep up the great work. Love you Mommy -- Tanya
- on June 10, 2017
I love your cactus and desert artwork looks amazing. Keep up the great work you are such a great young artist. I love you. Love Willy -- William
- on June 10, 2017
I love how you painted the sunset and especially love these desert creatures! Xoxox. You are talented, Drew. -- Christine
- on June 10, 2017
Drew Makenzie your art work has always been great but it just keeps getting better and better. I absolutely love your latest work! It is outstanding! Keep it up my love. You are amazing! -- Nani
- on May 31, 2017
Great job Drew another great piece. I'm so proud at all your art work. Keep up the good job. Love you Mommy -- Tanya
- on May 30, 2017
Those are some pretty good looking hearts,Drew keep up the great art work. You are a very good little artist keep up the great work. Love,Will -- William
- on March 29, 2017
Honey I love all those hearts . You are doing such an amazing job. Keep up the good work. Love Mommy -- Tanya
- on March 22, 2017
They look like they are filled with love -- Andrew
- on March 22, 2017
Better than Jackson Pollock! -- Christine
- on February 8, 2017
I never saw this picture before and I love it!! I especially love the purple background and of course the glittery snow!! -- Christine
- on February 8, 2017
This is so awesome Drew! Love all the different material you used. I think this needs to be hung in my Office!! Love , Christine -- Christine
- on February 8, 2017
Drew your art and talent is outstanding and awesome! You are a very special, creative and fantastic young lady who never stops amazing me! You know how much I love owls and yours is great! I love you so very much! Keep up the wonderful work! -- Nani
- on February 8, 2017
Drew Makenzie . I love this picture the owl is perfect. You are doing such an amazing job. I'm proud of you. Love Mommy -- Tanya
- on January 30, 2017
That is a pretty awesome Owl. I love how you made it 3D and looking down at the snowman. Keep up the great art work. Love Willy. ?? -- William
- on January 30, 2017
Every time I see your new artwork I am thrilled! You are a true artist with such great natural talent.... Keep up the great work and enjoy every picture you create. You are outstanding and a very special person! Love you so very much! -- Nani
- on December 2, 2016
Drew this art work is amazing. You always do such amazing job and I am so proud of you . I love you always Love Mommy ?? -- Tanya
- on November 21, 2016
That is a very nice pear. I love the colors that you used for the background. Keep up the great artwork. Love,Willy?? -- William
- on November 21, 2016
Drew Makenzie you are an amazing, remarkable artist!!! I am astounded at your latest work of art! It is beautiful and so creative and real looking! Keep up the great work....I cannot wait to spend the summer with you!!! Love you as big as the sky and universe!!! -- Nani
- on June 10, 2016
Oh honey this is amazing. I love everything you have done over the years but this one is my favorite. It is crazy how fast you are growing and you can see it in your art work. I'm proud of you my baby girl. I Love always, Love Mommy -- Tanya
- on June 5, 2016
This is another of my favorites. I would love to give him a hug.....he is adorable and perfect...and you too of course!! xoxoxoxoxo -- Nani
- on February 27, 2016
I just looked at all of your beautiful work again. I chose this one....I love it so much.....the bright, beautiful colors and the amazing art work too! It was hard to choose one because there are so many I love! You are awesome! Love you so much...xoxoxoxoxo -- Nani
- on February 27, 2016
This one is my other favorite. This one should be framed! Very beautiful Drew. -- Daddy and Christine
- on February 13, 2016
What in the heck?? Love Daddy -- Drew
- on February 13, 2016
This one makes me smile. This reminds me of you running around the house laughing. xoxo -- Christine
- on February 13, 2016
GO RHINOS!!!!!!!!! We love his moustache and his Mohawk,,, he's a rockstar just like you!!!! Love, Dad and Christine -- Dad and Christine
- on February 13, 2016
I think this one is my #1 Favorite!!!!! I need art lessons from YOU!!! XOXOXO -- Christine
- on February 13, 2016
This is my favorite bird. My Daddy , Poppy John and I always watched them together. This is beautiful! Love you and keep up the amazing work! -- Nani
- on February 5, 2016
This is awesome! You have always been a great artist! I love this and can't wait to see more and more! Love you my Sweet Pea darling girl! -- Nani
- on February 5, 2016
Hello, Drew Thank you for inviting me on your web site so I can see all of your beautiful art work keep up the great work honey. Love,Willy -- William
- on February 3, 2016
I love the trees they look so real. Love mommy -- Tanya
- on February 3, 2016
Hi honey I want to let you know I love everything you make. You are becoming a gray artist . I love you Mommy -- Tanya
- on February 3, 2016
Drew, I love the colors and detail you put into your artwork! Keep up the beautiful work! -- Ms. Mourao
- on February 3, 2016
To my baby girl I love what you did with all the colors. Your art work is beautiful. Mommy loves you -- Tanya
- on March 19, 2015
Hi My Baby girl I love your art work so much. Every time you make new pictures it makes my heart melt it shows how much you are growing. I love you so much. Love Mommy -- Tanya
- on December 15, 2014
I love your warm hearts. My favorite is the big one in the middle! -- Miss Grattagliano
- on May 22, 2014
Hi Baby Girl, I wanted to let you know what an amazing job you did on this picture. I love it and you Love Mommy -- Tanya
- on December 3, 2013
Great job! Mrs. Spirko -- Janet
- on December 3, 2013
To my little artist. I love all your art work you are doing an amazing job. Daddy and I love you very much. -- Tanya