Rebecca5130's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about Rebecca5130's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Rebecca, I am so impressed with your development as an artist over the past year or so. You definitely got the gene (which I didn"t). Congratulations on a great school year. I can't wait to see you. I miss you and your family so much. with best love, Nani
-- Nani
- on July 1, 2015
Nice work, Rebecca! I hope you keep going with other parts of your modified book.
-- David
- on July 1, 2015
Dear Rebecca, Fascinating picture. Very creative combination of components into an unusual but plausible result. Baby is very cute. Love, Popi
-- Popi
- on July 1, 2015
How cool - the flamingos are not pink which is refreshing (I think you gotta feed em loads of shrimp to turn em pink...) and it looks like they are considering whether to adopt the little girl! Is this a composit photo? Cool XX OO GML
-- Laura
- on July 1, 2015
Dear Rebecca, This is beautiful! Perhaps your next trip will include Africa. Love, Aunt Caroline
-- Caroline
- on July 1, 2015
Dear Rebecca, This is really lovely and I am interested in knowing more about how you made it. Is it fabric art? I really like it. Love Nani
-- Nani
- on July 1, 2015
Dear Rebecca, You are getting a wonderful introduction to creative art techniques, and using them will. I'm proud. Love, PC
-- Chris
- on July 1, 2015
Love the glaze!
-- David
- on July 1, 2015
This is a very interesting and eye-catching piece of art, and I loved your description of how you did it, and why you chose the methods you did. Really great work!
-- Annemarie
- on July 1, 2015
I love this! The hands look so cool
-- Julia
- on February 12, 2014
I love this! Its really cool how you made it look 3D
-- Julia
- on April 23, 2014
Rebecca, I love this piece! Very dramatic.
-- David
- on November 30, 2013
Wow! A scary situation indeed! You have definitely captured something that would be scary. And I love the perspective of looking down on the top of the tall buildings.
-- David
- on October 1, 2013
The colors in this are stunning! I love the way that you blended it to look like a sunset.
-- Annemarie
- on December 12, 2012
I absolutly love the ribbon coming out of the shoe!
-- Elisabeth
- on December 5, 2012
I LOVE this! It looks exactly as if you painted your hand and stuck it down on the paper, and I love the colors! It really looks 3-D.
-- Madeline
- on December 5, 2012
I like your color choice.
-- Lindsay
- on December 5, 2012