Brett2169's Comments (110)

View Brett2169's portfolio
Below are comments about Brett2169's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Brett, Great work. Keep it up. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on May 25, 2016
I'm not sure whether my first comment went through...however, that looks fun Brett, and definitely on the surreal side of life ;)
-- Jill
- on December 11, 2015
Brett, That is so interesting. you will have to explain what/how you did that when you are here. Don't forget to tell me or show me. Keep up the good work. love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 11, 2015
Oh my goodness. What a clever clever boy.
-- Aunt Kelly
- on December 11, 2015
Where is Brett? Oh, there he is!
-- mom
- on December 10, 2015
I love the color and pastels.
-- Mom
- on December 10, 2015
I love it, Brett. You know what i like best -- the "catfish". creative!
-- Mom
- on December 10, 2015
Is that Waffles? Cinn-Cinn do wonder how her brother got in your head. She want to come too.
-- Aunt Kelly
- on July 1, 2015
Dear Mr. Artist, I am a teacher and think my students would really enjoy making one of these. Will you please Skype us in the middle of your night and walk us through the steps? Thank you, Fan in Qatar
-- Jill
- on May 27, 2015
This would look great on your Christmas tree. I also saw other work that I have not seen. I love the purple art.You know that is one of my favorite colors, red is another. Do you still like green? or am I remembering correctly? Keep up the good work. I hope I get to see some of your art when I come to Co. in July.
-- Grandma Barb
- on May 27, 2015
This is a cool piece! Are these the things in your brain? I love the fat cat! Teri "from Missouri" : )
-- Teri
- on April 14, 2015
Brett, Is this your mind working overtime? your thoughts? Your are so creative and I'm so proud of you. Grandma can't draw anything that looks good. But my garden looks great! so I can be creative with my garden!
-- Grandma
- on April 12, 2015
Interesting. Is the cat the eye?
- on April 10, 2015
I like it!
- on April 10, 2015
l love your snowman. I especially like his hat!Did you make one outside when you had snow? Is he between your house and a neighbors? keep up the great art work. I am so proud of my little artist grandson.
-- Barbara
- on March 12, 2015
What is that evil snowman doing?
-- Jan
- on March 12, 2015
you are so good, Brett. Love all your art. The colors are terrific!
-- Grandma Barb
- on February 13, 2015
I really love this one. i am hoping to keep it for my VDAY decorations.
- on February 10, 2015
The heart is so adorable. I think each little piece is a rolled up piece of red paper. Am I right? One of these days I will get to see all your beautiful art work. Maybe this spring. Keep up your great talent in art.
-- Grandma
- on February 10, 2015
I love the way you put the colors together, the yellow,oranges, greens and black. I guess I will see this when I come yo visit. Good job, Brett.
-- Grandma
- on February 3, 2015
Brett, I am so excited about all your wonderful art. Where did you get all that talent? It is certainly mot from me. Love all that you do! Hugs, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 13, 2014
Very cool, Brett!!! LOoooove it!!!!!
-- Aunt Lorrie
- on December 12, 2014
To my very talented grandson, Looks great--Cold! Hope I get to see all these at your house some day. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 11, 2014
OMG, Brett. I fell in love with these candles from the moment I first saw them. Trying to think of something I could use them on.Keep up the wonderful art work. You are so talented. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 6, 2014
I love Christmas decorations -- they adorn my home!
-- Mom
- on December 6, 2014
Hi Brett, I like seeing a new piece of artwork all the way from Qatar! Is this a person sleeping on the letter B-shaped bed and making sleep noises of BBBBBB? Interesting…!
-- Aunt Jill
- on November 1, 2014
What talent? I love all the colors. It looks kind of like one you made last year that I also loved. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 24, 2014
Somehow I missed this one. Wow, it has Aunt Kelly a little frightened. We could make a scary movie just with what's on our hands. Yikes.
-- Kelly
- on October 24, 2014
No way! Fabulous! You could sell these with different initials, people would buy.
-- Aunt Kelly
- on October 24, 2014
Aunt Kelly wants this one! Tell your Mom. Very cute, very "bbbbbrett."
-- Kelly
- on October 24, 2014
Pretty! and, I like how they hold together.
-- Teri
- on October 24, 2014
Brett, I love all the colors in this art. I also love the tennis shoes. They were so creative. I think u r quite the artist. I like it when you post something new to look at. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 10, 2014
Brett, Not sure what you are sleeping on? It reminds me of a turtle but not sure. Can you email me and explain the latest. I love it, my big creative artist. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 20, 2014
That's quite the fish, Brett. Not for eating! Can't wait to see all your wonderful new art work. Keep up the creative work.
-- Barbara
- on May 28, 2014
Love your "Windsock". It's beautiful, really like the watercolor look. Appropriate right?
-- Judyrae
- on May 23, 2014
Brett, How creative. did you know Aunt Jill loves to take pictures of feet and shoes. I really like the way you decorated them and all the colors. Love, grandma
-- Barbara
- on May 17, 2014
Neto Mosquito Brett, looking good.
-- Peggi
- on April 30, 2014
I love the colors. What are you going to do with this beautiful piece of art? Save it for me to see when I am at your new home next time. Keep up the creative work that you do.
-- grandma Barb
- on April 24, 2014
Pretty colors, Brett! I hope you liked working with clay. I wonder what you're going to put in this bowl . . . ? Keep creating!
-- Teri
- on April 24, 2014
That is really cool, Brett! You are a great artist! Very creative! From Aunt Lorrie
-- Lorrie
- on April 1, 2014
Hey Brett, I'm new to your web artwork. It's absolutely amazing. I'm very excited for you and am looking forward to seeing more. When your grandma was here she updated me so now I'll get to keep current with it. Thanks for sharing with me.
-- Judyrae
- on March 26, 2014
Brett, Today we had 8 inches of snow and another snow day (which no one wanted) I loved you work with the blue sky and sun. Thanks so much! Bev
-- Bev
- on March 18, 2014
I love the spring look & feel, the green background, ahhh . . .
-- Jill
- on March 11, 2014
Love your picture, Brett! Because it's round, it reminds me of the planet Earth. Imagine if the tree was a "continent" which was really land where people lived. Keep drawing!
-- Teri
- on March 7, 2014
Brett, wonderful. It looks like a globe or the world. It is springtime--right? Looking forward to our visit and celebrating your birthday, Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on March 7, 2014
I got another compliment on my ring!!!
-- Jill
- on March 4, 2014
Good job brett
-- Skyler
- on March 4, 2014
I was wearing my ring with the snappable you gave me for Christmas two or three days ago and a sales clerk complimented me on my piece of jewelry. I had to tell her about my nephew, the artist, of course!!!
-- Aunt Jill
- on February 28, 2014
Awesome Brett! Sure would look great on any tree! Merry Christmas. Love, Bev
-- Bev
- on December 24, 2013
Well I know what's going on the Christmas tree as a new favorite ornament this year! :o) Love you, and see you in a couple of days Mr. Monet, Aunt Jill
-- Jill
- on December 20, 2013
Brett, I want one for my xmas tree. It's so colorful . I hope it has your name and date. If not, we can put one on it(if I get one from u). Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 20, 2013
Brett, I love this piece! The bright jewel colors are AWESOME! This would make a really unique holiday card. Miss you a lot! Love, Bev
-- Bev
- on December 17, 2013
Love the vibrant colors and the design. Good job, Brett!!
-- Teri
- on December 14, 2013
Wow, this is one beautiful contemporary Christmas piece! This is a possible ring art... I ponder and try to enter the artist's creative thought processes: What was he thinking? How did he choose the colors? What exactly is his message? Did he burn the midnight oil, unable to sleep, until his piece was finished?!
-- Jill
- on December 12, 2013
WOW! I love it, my great artist grandson. It is one of my favorites. I might have to order xmas cards in 2014. But you have so many I love. See you soon to celebrate Christmas with you and your family. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 12, 2013
Brett, I was looking through all of your art, and I am so pleased with it, and this site which manages it for us! Keep working to fill your portfolio! Love you.
-- Jan
- on November 7, 2013
Brett, another great piece of art work Hope you're saving all of them for your keepsake trunk. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 31, 2013
I like the black and white and then the strip of color going through it! Awesome, Brett. Keep developing your talent!
-- Teri
- on October 31, 2013
Brett, Brett, this is quite interesting, especially after I just saw the movie Gravity. Auntie Jilly Bean
-- Jill
- on October 25, 2013
Brett, you just get better and better. Keep up the great art work. Love, grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 25, 2013
Now this one has me thinking possible canvas . . . hmmmm
-- Jill
- on October 16, 2013
Brett, I like your art work. Eddie
-- Eddie
- on October 16, 2013
Wow! Love this -- the colors are amazing and love the circles. You are talented!
-- Teri
- on October 16, 2013
I love it. I think this is one of my favorites. The colors are fantastic! Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 9, 2013
Brett, I am so happy to see that the artist has resumed where he left off -- creating and sharing . . . I see that you are trying your hand at 3 dimensional effects. Quite challenging. Keep up the good work Mr. Artist. I love you, Aunt Jill
-- Jill
- on October 8, 2013
Love it Brett. You are so talented. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on October 8, 2013
Glad to see that you're being creative again this year, Brett! This one is so cool. Lots going on and lots to look at. Love the colors against the black and white too.
-- Teri
- on October 1, 2013
I think this is my top favorite of all. I love it so much, perfect!
-- Kelly
- on September 27, 2013
Love the colors and the interesting lines. Good job, Brett!
-- Teri
- on May 16, 2013
Brett, I have really enjoyed this art throughout the year. It allows me to keep up with it since she doesn't send it home regularly. I was glancing at some of your art in the secondary building yesterday.
-- Jan
- on May 11, 2013
My great artist! I am so proud of you. Grandma has no art ability. Wish I could have one of everything.
-- Barbara
- on May 10, 2013
I love the tornadoes almost as much as the crosses, my great talented grandson.
-- Barbara
- on April 12, 2013
Hi Brett, Wow, this is an interesting piece because you have lots of colors and lots of line action. But, it all goes together well. Good job! I wish God would have made colorful tornadoes. :) It was nice to see you last week. Take care!
-- Teri
- on April 10, 2013
Mr. talented: WOW! you just get better and better. I love the colors. Grandma
-- Barbara
- on April 3, 2013
I love the colors and design! Great job......
-- Lou
- on April 3, 2013
You just get better and better! I especially like this cross of many colors. And water color is so difficult. I have tried but mine is just a blob!
-- Barbara
- on March 1, 2013
Loving the colors and the message of Life brought by Jesus! Good job, Brett!
-- Teri
- on March 1, 2013
Happy Valentine's Day to you Brett, my great artist. I love your creativity! Grandma
-- Barbara
- on February 16, 2013
Hope you gave that to your adorable mom!
-- Lou
- on February 16, 2013
My little artist!!
-- Barbara
- on February 2, 2013
That's really cool! Reminds me of those hands on exhibit in the Smithsonian's Museum of Modern Art. Did you ever see them? Sculptures of just hands. If you haven't I'll send a pic to your mom's phone. Good job, Brett!
-- Teri
- on January 23, 2013
I knew you would express your many talents. Great job!
-- Lou
- on January 23, 2013
Saw your hand. Is that germs? great work!
-- Barbara
- on January 23, 2013
Pink and red and orange inside the tree reminds me of lights, especially when you close your eyes and halfways look at the lights. Nice!
-- Teri
- on December 7, 2012
Hey Brett it's Candy, your Grandmas friend....she told me about your art and she is right is very nice....keep up the good is a nice way to express yourself. Candy
-- Candy
- on December 7, 2012
WOW, Brett! You are on a roll. I love it. One little artist in the family. Kelly was my artist. Did you know that? Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on December 7, 2012
-- Teri
- on December 7, 2012
This is so pretty, Brett. I love the green coloring, etching that you did!
-- Teri
- on December 3, 2012
Great job Brett!
-- Lou
- on December 1, 2012
Brett, Your poinsettia is beautiful, my little artist. I can hardly wait for xmas to see y'all again. Maybe you can draw something very special for our fridg. Love
-- Grandma, Barb
- on November 30, 2012
Wow, that's beautiful, Brett.
-- Jan
- on November 30, 2012
Be remembering me at Thanksgiving and Christmas (hint, hint). I have a perfect spot for an art piece of black & white with a splashes of color.
-- Jill
- on November 11, 2012
-- Jill
- on November 11, 2012
Brett, I hung the pumpkin picture on my wall at school and labeled it. My students all see it and know you as an artist and my nephew whom I miss, love, and adore!!!
-- Jill
- on November 11, 2012
Brett I like Your ART. Love Edward Konigsberg
-- Edward
- on October 30, 2012
Cousin Judy and I are amazed at your wondrous ability. It certainly didn't come from Grandma. Keep up the amazing work.
-- Barbara
- on October 25, 2012
I like this one, it is very interesting.
-- Peggi
- on October 23, 2012
Hi Brett, I like this a lot! I really like the vibrant yellow against the blue. Thanks for sharing! Keep on making cool art!
-- Teri
- on October 19, 2012
Great job Brett!
-- Lou
- on October 19, 2012
I'm finding this one quite interesting. Makes me think of Miro.
-- Kelly
- on October 16, 2012
Your name looks like part of the sun, I love that.
-- Kelly
- on October 16, 2012
Brett, I love the pumpkin patch, more creative than grandma could think of.
-- Barbara
- on October 14, 2012
Both new artworks are lovely, Brett. I am enjoying seeing them online!
-- Jan
- on October 13, 2012
I can hardly wait for Christmas to see what you have in store for all of us. We are so proud of you.
-- Barbara
- on October 9, 2012
I will also take this one, which it's such a coincidence that the piece is based on Chihuly, because I plan on going to the Chihuly exhibit that is currently in Dallas. It will be gone when you arrive for Thanksgiving -- that is too bad!
-- Jill
- on October 9, 2012
Okay, I guess that Aunt Kelly and I are going to have to duel, because we both want this one!!! Get your sword sharpened Kelly . . .
-- Jill
- on October 7, 2012
I think this one is supposed to go to Aunt Kelly.
-- Kelly
- on October 3, 2012
I love this new piece!!!
-- Jan
- on September 30, 2012
Brett, Aunt Jill and I are wondering if we get one of these for Christmas to display or sit somewhere foreveryone to see. What a good artist you are. Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 29, 2012
Wow, Brett. Those are wonderful. Can't wait to get my own hands on them!!!
-- Mom
- on September 6, 2012