Madison14105's Comments (35)

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Below are comments about Madison14105's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Madison, I agree with your Dad, there is definitely a 3D effect in this art piece. It's wonderful. Makes me want to go to the beach, today!
-- Sandy
- on June 25, 2017
I really love his Madison. It actually looks like it is a piece of wood that was carved and painted. You've done this in a way that there seems to be texture, a sort of 3D effect. It's really cool. Good work!
-- Dad
- on May 30, 2017
I love the detail you have in the flowers; hard to do with watercolors! Great work!
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2017
I love all the twists in this.
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2017
I am in love with this! When do I get to hang it on my wall???
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2017
I love this! The patterns are so awesome and I love how it draws my eyes all over the page.
-- Mom
- on May 21, 2017
Hi Madison, This is my FAVORITE!!! This guy just seems so happy and content and l love the small details. Keep up the good work. Sandy
-- Sandy
- on May 21, 2017
So cool. I love it!
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2017
I like this one; I love how there is one pair of scissors that is colored and the rest black and white. Great job!
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2017
I love the idea of using an old page from a book as the background for this. Nice work, Madison!
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2017
So glad your teacher took a picture of this before it broke...I love it! Did you get your inspiration from the Phineas and Ferb episode where they found the Lochness monster? It was always one of my favorites.
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2017
I am in love with this one! I love the contrast with the background and the little pops of yellow. Great job!
-- Mom
- on April 19, 2017
I love this. It is sort of like Picasso meets Andy Warhol. Try this style of painting again after you look at some cubism paintings by Picasso. I think you could make something really clever or insightful.
-- Dad
- on April 6, 2017
It's a cat eye, but no fur. Could be a rattlesnake, or an alligator, I think. I'm going to say dinosaur for my final answer. Really cool!
-- Kurt
- on March 30, 2017
I love this Madison! I love the little bumps and the different colors you glazed them. This is so cool it makes me want to get you your own set up to make pottery and figurines. Keep up the good work!
-- Kurt
- on March 30, 2017
That's kind of twisted Madison. I guess you are my kid for sure. I love keeping up with all of your great art projects. Keep practicing your drawing and painting skills. You are very talented.
-- Kurt
- on March 30, 2017
I really do enjoy seeing your art Keep trying and you will be fantastic.
-- Grandma gingerbread
- on March 30, 2017
A sunflower that is rusting? The sun? If I remember correctly, the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, etc, match the hot and less hot areas of the sun. The black area is empty space with light waves traveling to earth and beyond? Is that what it is? Either way, I love it.
-- Kurt
- on March 30, 2017
This is exactly why I chose to play keyboards instead of the bass. Ha ha. Actually, I really love this project. It looks kind of like the fish is preserved perfectly, having been fossilized. Very nice work, as always. Love you! dad
-- Dad
- on March 30, 2017
So 16 is your favorite number? Hmmmm. Nice work as always, pretty girl.
-- Dad
- on March 30, 2017
I love this picture as I suppose it tells about the story. what a great way to remember what the story is all about .Every time I look at your new art I! think wow she is improving. I love it!
-- Grandma Gingerbread
- on March 30, 2017
This one is like all the Dragons that you have made. Looks awesome
-- Colleen
- on March 1, 2017
I love this one!
-- Shellbi
- on March 1, 2017
This was a really awesome project, Madison. The artwork you are doing is so fun and clever that I want to do it too. You were wise to listen to the advice your teacher gave you. With her suggestions you made a really fun piece that draws the viewer in. You balanced it all very nicely. Keep up the good work!
-- Kurt
- on March 1, 2017
I Love Love Love the dragon Madison. This is one of my favorites. It looks very much like one of those Chinese Dragons that you see at parades.
-- Kurt (daddy)
- on March 1, 2017
This is one of my favorites, Madison. I love to sew and the scissors remind me of that! Nice work!
-- Grandma Gingerbread
- on February 22, 2017
I love this dragon, Madison! You are doing well!
-- Grandma Gingerbread
- on February 22, 2017
I love this leaf, Madison!
-- Grandma Gingerbread
- on February 22, 2017
This is interesting. Madison. It looks like you painted strips of paper and then wove them together. The 3D effect is especially strong with the pastel colours in the middle. Keep up the good work!
-- Kurt (Dad)
- on February 22, 2017
Another one of my favorites. The real thing looks even better! Keep up the good work and develop your talents. I sure love my brilliant girl!
-- Kurt (Dad)
- on February 22, 2017
Madison, I am always in awe at your talents. You are growing into such a talented artist and writer. I love you and I am so proud of you. This leaf is one of my favorite pieces you've created. I love it and will proudly display it in our home. p.s. I'm not just saying you are talented because I am biased as your father.
-- Kurt (Dad)
- on February 22, 2017
I think it is time to start naming each piece! We went to the Musee du Louvre in Paris and the British Museum in London and nearly every piece has a name! You don't want them all to be entitled, "unknown" or something like that ?? Looks pretty snazzy to me! Keep it up!
-- Shellbi
- on February 11, 2017
Very cool stuff Madison! I am glad I can see it, keep it up!
-- Shellbi
- on February 11, 2017
I love how all of the student's Chihuly bowls brighten up our hallways at Gatesville Elementary! Each one is unique and wonderful!!!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on October 10, 2012
I just love how all of the students made their lizards look different! They look awesome in our halls at Gatesville Elementary!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on September 10, 2012