Spencer2960's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Spencer2960's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is awesome!
-- Nanny
- on January 10, 2017
Another one for the wall!
-- Diana
- on November 11, 2016
I love it! This one will be going on the wall.
-- Nanny
- on October 10, 2016
Spence, I love seeing all of your artwork. You are doing such a good job!!
-- Sarah
- on September 14, 2016
I love how all of the student's Chihuly bowls brighten up our hallways at Gatesville Elementary! Each one is unique and wonderful!!!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on October 10, 2012
I just love how all of the students made their lizards look different! They look awesome in our halls at Gatesville Elementary!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on September 10, 2012