This looks just like the Statue of Liberty!! You did a fantastic job!! I am very PROUD of the artist you are becoming!! Love you VERY much!!! :) -- Mommy
- on March 27, 2014
I really like the color on this one! GREAT JOB!!! -- Mommy
- on March 27, 2014
I LOVE the Brahman!! Looks just like Bailey!! Love YOU!! :) -- Mommy
- on March 27, 2014
I love how all of the student's Chihuly bowls brighten up our hallways at Gatesville Elementary! Each one is unique and wonderful!!!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on October 10, 2012
I just love how all of the students made their lizards look different! They look awesome in our halls at Gatesville Elementary!
- Christeena (teacher at Gatesville Elementary School (1-3)) on September 10, 2012