Alexander5892's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Alexander5892's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hey Alex! Its me, Gracyn! I cant believe how interesting this is. Its REALLY cool! It looks like something you would see in real life. VERY Interesting! From, Gracyn
-- Gracyn
- on September 25, 2013
Alexander, you are such a talented boy!
-- Helene
- on September 25, 2013
HI Alexander, Your use of colors is really terrific. Keep up the good work, we love you and will see you soon. New York Grandpa
-- Bob
- on September 25, 2013
Hi Alexander! I love this!! I love the colors, the way your hand is's so cool...took me a minute to realize that was your hand under there!! Love and hugs, Aunt Donna xo
-- Donna
- on September 25, 2013
Alexander, this is a wonderful piece of work! You should be very proud.
-- Helene
- on September 25, 2013
Hi Alexander, I just love your new piece of artwork. What were your thoughts when you did it? Your choice of colors were very powerful and beautiful!
-- Diana
- on September 25, 2013
I LOVE THIS! So beautiful, so colorful....reminds me of a beautiful sunset! Can't wait to see more artwork here! xo, Aunt Donna
-- Donna
- on September 25, 2013
Alexander you are so talented and I am so proud of you.
-- John
- on February 8, 2013
He has quite an imagination.
-- John
- on October 5, 2012
Wow Alexander you are a very creative artist!
- on October 3, 2012
wow Alexander- this is awesome! can't wait to see your next drawing!!!
-- AJ
- on October 3, 2012
Your artwork is really cool, Alexander!
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2012