Kani14's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Kani14's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautifulll Kani!!!! Keep creating!!! Love Tetee!
-- Sharufa
- on September 27, 2013
Masterpieces!!! I LOVE your artwork - you took your time and really thought about each piece. They are all amazing, my favorite is the watercolor that has the fence and the blue sky. Keep on creating Kani! Much Love
-- Bibi
- on September 27, 2013
Kani, Your art work is FANTASTIC!!!!!! I especially like your spiders web, radial art and penguin pictures!!!! Can you please tell me what your first work of art is? The picture with the white fence/gate and green background. It is interesting. You are a GREAT artist! Keep up the great work! Asda
-- Asda
- on September 27, 2013
I love how colorful this project is! Great job!

- Keith (teacher at Orange Park Elementary School) on January 15, 2013