TYLER18703's Comments (39)

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Below are comments about TYLER18703's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a very interesting piece of art! I love the peaceful feeling it brings when I sit and look at it. It is rather like a hand guiding us through the maze (maybe the maze of life?)
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on November 9, 2015
I love your busy tree.....lots of action going on there. Have you ever thought about living in a tree like birds do? Good job!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on July 1, 2015
Loved your latest painting. So much action going on - very interesting! Good job!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on May 2, 2015
Love your newest artwork....snow on the mountains? Awesome!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on May 2, 2015
What a colorful is it. Mama love it :)
-- Pook
- on May 2, 2015
Tyler, what a bright and happy picture! Perfect for the Christmas season.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on December 19, 2014
It's fun to see all the different kind of cat pictures your class created. You made it your own with your designs, color choices and that amazing rug on the floor! Your drawing looks great as well, the more you draw the more confidence and control you'll have. Great work Tyler.
-- Danny
- on December 16, 2014
I love this scene Tyler. It looks like two cups of hot chocolate, or maybe one is coffee or soup? The one with the marshmallows is my favorite. And that purple is perfect for them to sit on.
-- Danny
- on December 16, 2014
Great picture, very nice combination of colors. Good job, Tyler :)
-- Pook
- on December 16, 2014
Nice color combination.
-- mom
- on December 14, 2014
Nice work...love the bright colors. Your work is always so cheerful.
-- Dad
- on December 14, 2014
Love the bright circles! It is easy to imagine they could just spin FAST.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on September 20, 2014
What a delightful picture. Love your graceful, swimming fish.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on July 25, 2014
Love the colors! How bright!
-- Pook
- on April 23, 2014
Your pretty vase of flowers makes me think of Spring! Good Job!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on April 23, 2014
I can tell you are happy when you create art because your colors are always bright and cheerful.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on November 6, 2013
Very good color combination.
-- Pook
- on October 30, 2013
As always, I just love your art. The colors and the design are awesome! Grandma Phyllis
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on October 19, 2013
Only cats can go in the Balloon!
-- Pook
- on May 13, 2013
Another beautiful piece of art that looks like a warm summer day. Indianola, Iowa, has a special day when they fly a LOT of these balloons...we need to go see them someday! Wonderful picture!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on May 13, 2013
Great job, Tyler!
-- pook
- on April 5, 2013
Wonderful! It takes a very special artist to paint people!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on April 5, 2013
Amazing!! You are so creative. Love this one...maybe best ever!
-- Bob
- on April 3, 2013
Your newest art work is wonderful, as they always are. Little black kitty is the perfect accent to get our attention! Thanks for sharing with me.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on April 3, 2013
Love the cat!
-- Pook
- on March 27, 2013
Coffee for mommy in a cold day and hot chocolate for daddy too.
-- Pook
- on February 2, 2013
Tyler, once again I am totally impressed with your art. This is a wonderful and amazing snow scene. Thanks for sharing it with me. Grandma Phyllis
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on February 2, 2013
I like your artwork is very wonderful.
-- Jirapa
- on December 25, 2012
I like your all is very wonderful.
-- Jirapa
- on December 25, 2012
This is a very best Christmas picture ever, Mommy love it.
-- Pook
- on December 25, 2012
Wow!! Best yet! Love it!! Such a great feeling from this scene.
-- Dad
- on December 25, 2012
Oh, I love it!
-- Pook
- on November 22, 2012
Your autumn leaves picture is wonderful...so very pretty! You create beautiful art.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on November 21, 2012
Tyler loves Titanic.
-- Pook
- on November 21, 2012
Look like you are walking a cat, Jada?
-- Pook
- on October 31, 2012
What a neat guy....he looks so good! Good Job!
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on October 31, 2012
I love your ideas, and the color combinations are wonderful.
-- Grandma Phyllis
- on October 24, 2012
Very nice pic, I love it.
-- Pook
- on October 8, 2012
Wow! I'm impressed. Love the colors, shapes....Waiting for more...
- on September 13, 2012