Maeli8's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about Maeli8's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is so cute, you did a great job Love Auntie
-- Lori
- on April 20, 2016
Can't believe how much you are learning!
-- Kristy
- on April 11, 2016
Love the pic, but want to forget about winter. Bring on the warmth and sun!
-- Kristy
- on April 11, 2016
Great job sweetie!
-- Kristy
- on April 11, 2016
I love it, the birds are adorable:)
-- Kristy
- on April 11, 2016
Dear Maeli, you are a very good artist! I see a lot of purple in your work which is my favorite color. I love seeing your artwork on this website! Sincerely, Mrs. Rupert
-- Rupert
- on January 2, 2015
It is beautiful sweetheart. I am so impressed with how much you have grown in a couple months of kindergarten!
-- Mom
- on December 6, 2012
Your picture is beautiful Maeli! Keep up the great work!
-- Mrs. Bonnes
- on December 5, 2012