Elijah4249's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Elijah4249's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This project came out beautifully. I love the variety of colors, patterns, and textures you chose to make this picture.
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on April 13, 2015
Beautifully woven tree with lots of texture. Love it!
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on May 2, 2014
I love how your bird is perfectly balanced on the edge of the bowl. Beautifully glazed.
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on April 8, 2013
This folk art scaredy cat has so much personality! The colors are bright and cheerful. Good work!

Ms. Gilman
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on November 7, 2012
You did a nice job creating different kinds of lines on this project. Keep up the good work!
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on September 24, 2012