Ella2866's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Ella2866's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful! I love all the layers of detail around the door and inside the triangle pediment on top of the cathedral.
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on February 20, 2015
Your reflection painting is lovely. Your sky colors remind me of sunsets in the desert. You reflected your scene beautifully. Keep up the good work!

Ms. Gilman
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on September 27, 2013
Your colors are bright and beautiful.
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on April 8, 2013
This folk art scaredy cat has so much personality! The colors are bright and cheerful. Good work!

Ms. Gilman
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on November 7, 2012
You did a nice job creating different kinds of lines on this project. Keep up the good work!
- Kim (teacher at Faith Lutheran Academy) on September 24, 2012