Can we please jump in and sail away for a while! You name the place, skipper! -- J.P
- on April 12, 2017
I really enjoy seeing your artistic work -- Lorraine
- on February 23, 2017
The sleigh bells look so real! Great job. -- Lorraine
- on January 18, 2017
Nice picture. It looks like it would be a nice place to visit next spring. -- Lorraine
- on January 18, 2017
Nice job Aidan. -- Lorraine
- on November 6, 2016
That's a great job buddy -- Dad
- on January 18, 2017
Whose the captain and what does the name of the shop mean? -- Dad
- on January 18, 2017
Last one this year. Here comes summer vacation! -- Lorraine
- on May 26, 2016
Circus time -- Dad
- on May 26, 2016
Your a clown! Nice job! -- Dad
- on May 26, 2016
Another good one Aidan. -- memere
- on May 26, 2016
Nice job buddy -- Dad
- on May 26, 2016
I think you should do a history day project on the eagle. -- Dad
- on January 18, 2016
Nice job Aidan. I always get the impression that you like your art class when I see your work. Keep up the good work -- Lorraine
- on January 18, 2016
Really nice job. No wonder you have a great art grade. -- memere
- on January 18, 2016
This reminds me of our church in South Carolina:) Love it! Mom -- Tonya
- on November 15, 2015
This looks like the countryside in Maine. Nice job. -- Lorraine
- on November 15, 2015
Great job once again. -- Lorraine
- on November 15, 2015
Is this anyone in particular? It doesn't look like me. Nice job. -- Lorraine
- on November 15, 2015
Great job! -- Dad
- on November 15, 2015
Well done..I can almost see her dance. -- Memere
- on July 12, 2015
Cam looks beautiful! -- Dad
- on July 12, 2015
Who is that? -- Dad
- on July 12, 2015
You must be my Aidan because that's how we spell his name. Love you! -- Memere
- on July 12, 2015
Your design reminds me of the recent horse races on TV. American Pharaoh and his jockey look very much like your drawing. -- Memere
- on July 12, 2015
Great job Aidan. It's always a pleasure to see your latest creation. -- Memere
- on July 12, 2015
Awesome! Great job blending the colors! Mom
- on March 25, 2015
Great job Aidan! Looks like the bearded dragon lizard at my house! Keep up the good work :-) -- Auntie
- on March 25, 2015
Great job Aidan. -- Memere
- on March 25, 2015
Looks real enough to jump on! -- Daddy
- on January 25, 2015
I always enjoy seeing your latest artwork. Love you. Memere. -- Lorraine
- on January 25, 2015
So you like blondes? -- Daddy
- on December 19, 2014
Great job kid!! -- Aidan
- on December 11, 2014
Do I see Old McDonald in the background? Nice work pal! -- Daddy
- on December 11, 2014
Nice job!
- Karen (teacher at St. Rose of Lima School) on December 4, 2014
Another great job. -- Memere
- on November 18, 2014
Great work buddy! Loks like the Tucan that ate my shirt button in Cancun! -- Dad
- on November 15, 2014
Are you sure this isn't the Black Pearl? Look out for Captain Jack!!! Love, Mom
- on November 13, 2014
Another good one! -- Memere
- on June 12, 2014
Great job. Nice spring colors. -- Memere
- on June 12, 2014
Nice job Aidan. This is my favorite one so far. -- Memere
- on June 12, 2014
Going to need more memory in my computer. Your doing outstanding work. Keep it up -- papa
- on March 4, 2014
Beautiful picture! I love the colors you chose. Love, Mom -- Tonya
- on March 4, 2014
Nice job Aidan. Thank you for setting me up to see your work. -- memere
- on February 26, 2014
Hi Aidan. I just saw your latest art project on the artsonia web site. Nice job! -- Memere
- on February 26, 2014
Great job. Your talents never surprise me because you can do anything you put your mind to. You don't give up. And yes you do have many angels watching over you. I love you very much. -- papa
- on February 26, 2014
Awesome work!
- Karen (teacher at St. Rose of Lima School) on December 12, 2013
- Karen (teacher at St. Rose of Lima School) on December 13, 2012
- Karen (teacher at St. Rose of Lima School) on November 15, 2012