Alexis11675's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Alexis11675's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Keep up the good work Lexi, so proud of you , love Mama
-- Phyllis
- on March 23, 2016
Hi sweetie, love, love, love this one you know we love the dance, hope your also enjoying your art classes, looks like so much keep painting, dancing, and dreaming up things to do.. And Mam will see you on the flip flop.. Love you more!!
-- Mam
- on April 15, 2015
So proud of the great job you are doing!! Keep it up, I look forward to seeing more.. Love Mam
-- Phyllis
- on March 16, 2015
This looks like a Lexi poo original:). The detail is amazing and I love the color green. The color of money!!!! Great job.
-- Aunt-Shalan
- on March 16, 2015
Your art work is amazing Pooh. Keep it up
-- Josh
- on March 16, 2015