Julie1597's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Julie1597's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I really enjoy your art, Julie ! It's great you can draw the basketball player's body position so well, and his proportions are great, too. Thanks for inviting me !
-- Aunt Sue
- on June 13, 2012
Nice going, Julie. I would love to see some more of your drawings. Keep it up and when you are "older" like me, you'll be great. I didn't start painting until about 25 years ago, more or less, and wish I had started sooner. Come and see me! with love from your Gran p.s. when does your vacation for the summer begin? I think it will be the first weekend of July when I go to Indianapolis to visit Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Linda, Hillary, Ruthie, Bob and Cam........Gonna have fun. Oh, yes, I am going to ask yuur Dad to get my airline tickets for me. I liked Southwest Airlines, a lot, last time I went there. ======================= this space below for answer from YOU!
-- Mary
- on June 12, 2012