Another great picture Lenex, I especially like the fish jumping out of the water. Nice job, well done! -- Fish
- on December 11, 2012
Very cool picture Lenex and I'm thinking the idea for it came from your trip to Hawaii. The colors "pop" just like in real life. Keep up the good work! -- Fish
- on December 19, 2012
Groovy man, groovy! -- Fish
- on December 19, 2012
Look's like what I see at your house everytime I visit, fresh fruit, yummy! Great job Lenex you make me so proud to be a part of your life. -- Fish
- on December 19, 2012
Awesome job Lenex! -- Mom
- on December 19, 2012
Your very talented,and should continue becoming an Artist! -- Sheila
- on December 19, 2012
Great picture, my favorite part is the color's you used. I'm very proud of you. -- Fish