Jakob950's Comments (3)

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Below are comments about Jakob950's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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that is cool jakob i really wanted you to help me because you do awsome art work
-- joseph
- on March 11, 2016
this is my paper machaded art and it was so so hard that it took me a long long time to finish my work and if you think it is hard Too it is so so so so hard i was sweating after it was done and it took a lot of pain to finish it
-- jakob
- on March 11, 2016
I made this polor bear and it was very hard work and other kids probly think it really really really hard but it is not that hard and i draw polor bears beacause i look up polor bears online and i found out that they are very good crawlers on ice beacause they wheigh a lot like 500 or 600 pounds and if they walk on ice they might fall in and also they are great great swimmers but cubs ride on there mothers back if they fall in
-- jakob
- on March 11, 2016