Timothy2594's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Timothy2594's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Timmy...I just love this lion! What amazing choice of colors! He is the most colorful and majestic king of the jungle I have ever seen! Keep up the good work..I am very proud of you! Love you, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Hi Timmy, I just loved your latest art work.."Fall Landscape". Your drawings and paintings are so cheery, colorful and impressive! I love them all and I love you! Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy, You continue to amaze me! You drawings and paintings are so incredibly beautiful! I love you, Your proud grandma!
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy.. I love this painting! The colors are so bright and vibrant! You have become quite the artist! Keep up the good work , I'm very proud of you! Love, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy..you are becoming quite the artist! This Monet painting is beautiful! I love it! Keep up the good work! Love, grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy..I just love your penguins! They look like very happy, playful penguins! Keep up the good work, Grandma is very proud of you! Love you!
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy..you amaze me! I just love this painting..so colorful and wonderfully detailed! I am so proud of you!
-- Grandma
- on September 14, 2014
I love how colorful this project is! Great job!

- Keith (teacher at Orange Park Elementary School) on January 15, 2013
Wow! What an impressive painting! I'm so proud of you! Love you, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy, I just love your painting, so colorful and very creative! Keep up the good work..looking forward to more beautiful artwork! Love you, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014
Timmy, your art work is absolutely beautiful! Little did we know we had a Picasso in the family! Love you, Grandma
-- Barbara
- on September 14, 2014