Brice305's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Brice305's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What an incredible drawing. Love the straight line and buildings. love ya mom
- on May 25, 2015
Great job Brice
- on February 12, 2015
Won 2nd place with this picture!!!!
- on November 5, 2014
Love this profile pic.
- on November 5, 2014
Like the America spirit. Keep up the great work. Love Mom
- on November 5, 2014
Hey Brice, You're tackling some tougher subject matter and doing a really good job! GOOD FOR YOU! When the Holy Spirit gives you a "TALENT" and you do your part and learn what you can, and pay attention and try hard to be the best that you can be with that talent, you are honoring "the GIFT of ARTISTIC TALENT" that you've been given.
-- Mardelle
- on September 17, 2014
Keep up the good work! Love to see all the different types of drawings....
-- Mardi
- on February 26, 2014
Brice, it's really nice to see you branching out. Love this.....
-- Mardelle
- on February 26, 2014
Brice...that is Awesome!! Good job!! Love you!!
-- Aunt Lisa
- on February 26, 2014
Great Work Brice. Love the bear! Continue the wonderful work. LoveMom
-- Evelyn
- on January 18, 2014
Good job. Look as thou the animals are flying! Will you please add some color next time? Keep up the great work! Love Mom
-- Evelyn
- on October 22, 2012
I declare! I think those PIGS are FLYING! So, I'm guessing that there is some kind of CONFLICT between the birds and the pigs...Hmmmm?
-- Mardelle
- on October 22, 2012
Very nice artwork Brice. I will show this to Sammy. I'm proud of you. We love you. Aunt Sandy and Sammy
-- Sandy
- on October 22, 2012
Brice you did a great job and you have true artistic talent! I am proud of you. Keep working hard at what you love to do. We love you lots.
-- Jill
- on October 12, 2012
Great job Brice, Thank you for sharing with me. Love Aunt Carrie
-- Carrie
- on October 10, 2012
Great redition of the events of 9-11-2001. I can tell that you did a lot of research on this subject before you drew this picture, Brice. Nice Work! (PS. I like your idea of adding the Empire State Building.) Really good work. Love Grandma Mardelle
-- Mardelle
- on October 5, 2012
I love this stary night art work. Would look great on a tee shirt:-) Love Mom
-- Evelyn
- on October 3, 2012
I can't wait for Dan to see your artwork of the Koi. I love your subject matter. Good Job! They are beautiful fish aren't they? Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Mardelle
-- Mardelle
- on October 2, 2012
Hey Brice.... Loved seeing your KOI FISH! Good Work!
-- GranmaMardelle
- on October 2, 2012