Samantha11702's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Samantha11702's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Sam, It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful your pictures are. The reflect all of your sweet and pleasant personality. Your tree is gorgeous and it makes me smile and think of you. Keep putting beautiful things out there to cheer others. Love you, GMA PROUD!
-- Lauren
- on January 21, 2015
dear Sammy, I love your drawing. You used some of my favorite colors. You are so artistic. Your art makes me smile . Love, Proud GMA
-- Lauren
- on September 14, 2014
wow Sam! Very interesting. I love your art piece. You are amazing sweetie
-- Lauren
- on October 9, 2013
Oh ! I love his face. Can't wait to see you on Thanksgiving. My little artist you. Love you Honey!
-- Lauren
- on December 16, 2012
Dear Sammy, I absolutely love your latest portrait. It is so "Springy" and makes me so happy when I look at it. You make me so happy! I love you so much. Grandmom
-- Lauren
- on September 14, 2014
SAmantha- You are so talented and I love you! Love, Mommy
-- Lisa
- on September 14, 2014
Hi Sam! Grandmom was so proud to see your beautiful artwork. I just loved all the flowers, birds and birdhouses you put in your picture. It makes me yearn for Springtime. You are such a little artist Samantha. Grandmom loves you so much!
-- Lauren
- on February 8, 2012