Peter2317's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Peter2317's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Love the colors. You must draw more animals perhaps you can draw me a dog you know i love dogs.RUFF RUFF Love NNana xxxxxx
-- darlene
- on December 11, 2012
Beautiful work! I am so proud of you, Peter.
-- Mom
- on November 30, 2012
More wonderful work you make me very proud lv lv v you nana
-- darlene
- on May 15, 2012
I wish it was a blanket! It looks so warm!
-- Mom
- on April 10, 2012
Love the colors you are a very grand artist. Keep up the good work my prince. Love nana
-- darlene
- on April 6, 2012
Love colors my favs you sure did a wonderful job,very proud of you. Love nana
-- darlene
- on April 6, 2012
I love the colors you chose for this picture. Your monkey looks very mischievous!
-- Mom
- on March 6, 2012
Hi Prince that's a good one someday we can go to the jungle can protect me from the beasts. Your loving. Nana
-- darlene
- on March 6, 2012
Love your drawings draw me a rabbit
-- love nana
- on February 16, 2012
Peter, I am so glad your Mom shared your work! Great job on your self-portrait. Nice lines and expression. It is you!
-- Tracey
- on January 30, 2012
Love it!
-- Chris
- on January 30, 2012
Great picture! I love Halloween and pumpkins. You are very talented. Maybe next time you can make a picture with a fire truck in it. Keep up the great work! From, Uncle Chris
-- Chris
- on January 30, 2012