Jennifer5240's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Jennifer5240's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow this looks like a professional artwork this scetch is AMAZING !!!-mom
-- Luisa
- on March 3, 2012
Thank you all for your kind comments!! Gracias por sus comentarios bonitos!!!!!(Jennifer5240)
-- Jennifer
- on January 12, 2012
It looks like you wow this is great drawing great job daughter!!---dad
-- Jesse
- on January 12, 2012
Esta muy bonito tu dibujo mija eres una profesional !!!!!----abuelito
-- Alejandro
- on January 12, 2012
Que bonito dibujo eres una artista!--grandmother
-- Julia
- on January 12, 2012
My daughter has grown into an artist!! Good job Jennifer I'm so proud of you !!:)
-- Luisa( mom)
- on January 10, 2012
My picture is so pretty (Jennifer 5240
-- Jennifer
- on January 10, 2012